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(Biana's POV)

Knock! Knock! Knock! I rushed to the door as soon as I heard someone knock. I couldn't wait!

          "Sophie!" I squealed as I opened the door.

          "Hey Biana!" She replied looking a little awkward in her tunic and pants. "Sorry I'm a little early. Grady said something about cleaning Verdi's pen, so I just came right away."

          "That's fine!" I started to drag her to my room. "I'm so glad you're here! This gives us just enough time to do makeovers!"

Sophie stopped dead, and stared at me for a second. Then she bolted away in a random direction. I was able to follow her for a while, but she eventually threw me off her trail.

          "Sophie!" I called in a singsong voice as I wandered through Everglen. "Where are you?" After wandering around for a while, I eventually decided to get some help. I reluctantly trudged to Fitz's room. This was going to cost me.

(Fitz's POV)

          "Seriously?" I muttered to myself as someone continued to knock on my bedroom door. "I was in the middle of styling my hair!"

Reluctantly I stomped over to the door. As soon as I opened the door Biana rushed inside.

          "Okay, I have a problem," she blurted out immediately. "So, Sophie was here but she might have gone into hiding when I told her that she might get a makeover. And I need your help to find her."

I crossed my arms over my chest, pretending to decide whether or not to help her. I would help her, but it would be better if I could get something out of it.

          "Fine," I finally agreed. "But you have to help me out. We're going to play truth or dare today, right?"

          "Of course!" Biana scoffed. "It wouldn't be a sleepover otherwise."

          "Amazing!" I exclaimed. "I will help you find Sophie... if you help me. During truth or dare I want you to dare her to kiss her crush. We all know she has a crush on me, so it would be perfect."

Biana stared at me, her eyes squinted like she was trying to figure out what to do.

          "Fine," she sighed. "If you help me look I'll give her the dare."

I grinned as I walked out of the room. Finding her would be easy. She would obviously come out for me.

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