The Surprise Date

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I should probably do something. I thought to myself as I sprawled out my limbs on one of the chairs in the living room. But I am way too comfy right now.

You need to get up! The logical part of my brain argued. 

I hate you. The argument kept circling around. Right as I decided to stay there the rest of the day, the doorbell rang. I grumbled to myself, but made my way over to the door. 

          "Hi Biana," I said, as I saw her standing in the doorway. "What are you doing here?"

Then I realized what I sounded like and hurried to say. "Not that I'm not glad you're here-I am- I just didn't know why you're here."

She smiled and teased, "Always getting your words mixed up. But... there is something that i need to talk with you about. Can we go to your room first?"

          "Yeah of course," as we made our way upstairs I called, "MOM! We're going to be upstairs!"

When we were both comfortably sitting on the beanbags that I had just added to my room, I waited for Biana to explain.

          "I'm not really sure how to say this," She started. "So I'm just going to blurt it out. FitzwastheonethathurtLinh."

          "What?" I gasped, the words just not making any sense. "What do you mean?"

          "Fitz and Linh got into a fight at Keefe's house when they were searching for you. I asked Fitz about it later and he admitted he was the one that had attacked her. And he didn't even seem to be remorseful," She explained, looking at the floor.

I cursed before asking. "What were they arguing about?"

Biana looked a little awkward as she said. "They were arguing about you. Fitz didnt want to admit that you actually liked Keefe, and he took his rage out on Linh when she told him so."

We sat there for a few more minutes before Biana whispered. "I don't know what to do. I mean, what if he does something like this again, but at the same time he is my brother."

          "What if..." I suggested slowly. "What if you put him on house arrest like you did to Alvar?"

She looked up. "That's...not a bad idea. I need to tell my parents now, but I thought you should know too."

                                                          *Three Weeks Later*

          "Hey Foster," Keefe looked adorably nervous. "Can we talk?"

          "Sure," I replied, a little confused as to why he was at my door.

          "So I know that you agreed to be my girlfriend," He paused, his usual smirk on his face. "I mean, who wouldn't-have you see this hair."

I laughed, and he got a little more serious. "But we haven't even been on a date yet... probably with all the Fitz stuff... so I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me?"

          "Of course!" I might have squealed a little bit. "When were you thinking?"

Keefe's smirk seemed to grow as he said. "I'll wake you up. See you soon!" Then he turned around and leaped away.

          "Keefe!" I hissed, watching the spot where he had disappeared. "Why would you need to wake me up? I NEED MY SLEEP!!!"

The hours seemed to go by quickly, and pretty soon I was in my bed. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. Then I had a brilliant idea. I stuffed a bunch of pillows under my covers to make it look like I was sleeping, then I hid in my closet, arming myself with the sparkliest shoes I owned. I started to regret staying away though, when Keefe still wasn't there by five. Finally, I heard the window slowly unlock, and a dark shape fell into my room.

The shape crept over to my bed, and when his back was turned, I launched a shoe at him. Then I continued to hide as he looked around in confusion. He started to try and wake "me" up, and I chucked another shoe. This one hit him square in the head, and he fell down in surprise.

          "That's what you get for sneaking into my room!" I whispered, and I charged over to my bed, grabbed a pillow, and began to smack him with it.

          "I surrender!" he said quickly, and I felt a blast of triumph. I nudged him with my show and asked, "So, why did you have to be hear so early?" 

Keefe rolled over, any bruises that he may have sustained became forgotten as he asked, "Are you ready to see?"

I nodded impatiently, and Keefe smiled. "So glad to see your exited." He teased, before pulling something out of his back pocket. 

          "You can't be serious," I deadpanned, staring at the blindfold in horror.

          "I can be incredibly serious," Keefe replied, mimicking my tone. "Come on, the sooner you put this one the sooner we can go!"

I groaned, but slid on the blindfold, gasping at Keefe began to levitate me towards where my window was. I felt a blast of cold air, indicating that we were now outside. In a matter of minutes I was back on the ground-with no idea where I was. 

          "Here," Keefe announced, taking on the blindfold. We were underneath the Panakes tree, surrounded by fluffy pillows and blankets. He quickly dove into the blankets, and I followed him,  laying as close as I dared without it getting awkward. Only because it was cold outside though. 

          "This is awesome, Keefe," I mumbled, my eyes drifting shut. 

          "You haven't even seen the best part," he nudged me gently. "Just stay awake for a few more minutes."

          "Fine," I was falling asleep, but I could wait a few more minutes. 

Just as I was about to drift off, the sun began to peak out against the horizon, turning the sky a brilliant shade of orange and pink. Keefe and I sat there in silence, watching the sunrise in awe. It was amazing that there could be things this beautiful. And it was made better knowing I had someone to share it with. 

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