The "Accident"

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(Fitz's POV)

          "Where do you think we should search first?" I asked LInh as soon as I heard she was going to be my partner.

          "I'm not sure," her voice trailed off and she looked like she was in a deep concentration. Suddenly, she burst out, "Maybe she went to somebody's house!"

          "Like whose?" I had a slight suspicion of what she was about to say.

          "Well... she might be at Solreef," Linh replied. Her eyes narrowed at the look on my face, and her voice hardened when she said, "Like it or not, Keefe and Sophie are great friends, and they both rely on each other. You can't own somebody."

I turned away so she wouldn't see me roll my eyes. I did not need Tam mad at me for "disrespecting her". As if I could ever be found rude.

          "Let's go,"I muttered, taking out my leaping crystal. "If we are going to go to Solreef we are going to need to use the Leapmaster at my house- I don't have a crystal to Keefe's house."

Linh followed me wordlessly as I stepped into the faint beam of light. And we stayed in silence, only breaking it to activate the Leapmaster. The entire time I was fuming. What did Linh mean when she said they were great friends and they rely on each other. Sure they were friends, but that was all. Keefe didn't deserve Sophie, and he wouldn't betray me by telling her how he felt. Only I deserved Sophie, and if Keefe tried to challenge me, I would still end up winning her- no matter what.

          "Are you going to ignore me?" She asked after we had arrived on the beach of Solreef. "Just because I told you that something is not going to go your way. That someone else is going to be happy. And Keefe is your best friend. Don't you want him to be happy."

My blood boiled with every word she said. Of course I wanted Keefe to be happy, but the price of Sophie was too high.

          "Well, Sophie and Keefe are going to happen whether you support it or not, so I suggest you get on board," Linh's words cut into my brain.

          "Just stop talking already!" I finally snapped. "Why do you even care about this?"

          "Because," Linh replied calmly. "Sophie is my friend and I want the best for her. And that is Keefe."

(Linh's POV)

          "Because," I told FItz, watching the anger in his eyes. "Sophie is my friend and I want the best for her."

Fitz stared at me, his teal eyes darkening. He seemed different then the person he usually was. Or this was the real him, and everything else had been an act.

          "You don't know what Sophie wants," he glared at me before adding. "And she doesn't want Keefe. Keefe doesn't deserve to have Sophie, I do!"

          "You can't own someone Fitz!" I retaliated. "Sophie isn't some trophy you can win. She is a living, breathing, thinking elf with her own emotions!"

          "SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!" FItz screamed, covering his hand over his ears. "I was the one who found her! What does Keefe have that I don't? I look better, I am smarter, and Sophie and I are cognates."

          "Are you really so blind that you can't see this is about you. It is not about Keefe or Sophie. It is about your own stupidity and selfishness. You want something that will never happen. And you keep trying over and over, but in all the wrong ways. Sophie doesn't need someone in charge of her. She needs someone that will listen to her, and not think less of her no matter what."

          I turned to go away from FItz. I couldn't even stand to look at him anymore. I was going to find Sophie regardless of what he did. I heard soft footsteps following, and a blinding shot of pain lanced through my brain as something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see Fitz shaking his hand. Then he approached me, and before I could do anything, he was punching me as hard as he could. The world slowly faded into black, and the last thing I could think was: yes, beating up someone because they told you something you didn't want to hear is not a sign of anger issues.

(Fitz's POV)

The world became a red haze, and I wasn't even aware of what was happening. By the time the cloud disappeared, my hands were shaking.

What did I just do? I thought to myself frantically. Linh was laying on the sand in a pool of blood. I could hardly see her face, it was so caked in blood. I tore my hands through my hair. What was I going to do?

          "It's okay," I muttered to myself. "I just have to think of a plan. Nobody can know that I did this."

          "What are you doing?" a harsh voice interrupted my thinking. I slowly turned around to see Lord Cassius standing there. "I try to get a few hours of sleep, but instead I hear you two screaming at each other."

His eyes slowly widened when he noticed Linh laying on the floor behind me.

          "Isn't that the Song girl?" he asked. And I suddenly realized I had my way out.

          "Yes!" I exclaimed, trying to look protective of her. "And I won't let you hurt her anymore."

          "What do you mean?" Cassius sounded indignant. "I just walked out here!"

          "Do you not remember beating her up?" I pretended to be shocked. "I think you are losing your mind!"

          "Then why do you have blood on your hands?" his voice hadn't changed since he walked out.

I glanced at my hands and saw they were covered in blood. "I was trying to help her."

I tried to defend myself. "You are going to go to Exile for this!"

I quickly washed my hands off in the ocean before hailing Biana.

          "Seriously Biana! What took you so long? I need help!" I practically screamed. "It's Linh..."

I hung up quickly, before hailing Dex, basically saying the say thing. If I was going to pull this off, I was going to need to be very convincing. 

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