The Confession

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(Keefe's POV)

          "Here's the plan," Fitz started to explain. "We'll all come in from different angles. They'll either have two or three people hunting, but if we spread out they won't all be able to get to us."

          "Whatever," Tam muttered, tugging on his bangs, before stalking off. Fitz and I had told he and Dex where the silver tree was, so they should be able to find it.

          "I guess I'll go this way," Dex said, heading in the other direction. 

          "I'll come from behind," I told Fitz, before quickly jogging away. Once I was about a two minutes away, I slowed to a walk. My mind was racing, how could I catch Sophie alone? If I wimped out of telling Sophie how I felt, Ro would never  leave me alone, and would probably tell Sophie herself. Suddenly, I felt a strong burst of emotions a few feet in front of me.

          "Sophie?" I whispered, smirking when she stepped out front behind a tree. But my smirk faded when I felt the glee coming from her. She was planning something. Then her eyes darted to something right behind me. I risked a glance only to see a gigantic pile of mud behind me. 

          "You never should have used mallowmelt against me," she said, her voice low. "Mallowmelt is the best thing in the world, and should never be used in such an evil way."

I pretended to be offended. "What about The Hair? It is a bit better than mallowmelt- I mean look at it!"

I ran my hand through my hair, and smirked when I saw her face go red. "Speechless Foster?" I teased, and her face turned a deeper red. Then I saw her grin evilly.

          "Will it still look good when it is covered in mud?" She asked casually, taking a step forward.

She did not just threaten the hair! I took a step back, but she instantly lunged forward, tackling me to the ground. My head was inches away from the mud pile! I squirmed, trying to get away- but I was to late. With a loud plop, Sophie grabbed a handful of mud and dumped it on The Hair! I froze, and she giggled.

          "You should see the-" I cut her off by taking a glob a mud and throwing it at her. And just like that, the mud fight was on. I laughed as we pelted each other with mud, both fighting to throw the other into the pile. Finally, I was able to push her into it, cheering in victory, but  I didn't see her pull me down with her. We both landed at the same time, our faces inches apart. 

          "Hey Foster," I whispered. "You've got a little bit of mud on you."

          "Hey Keefe," she whispered back. "You've got mud in your hair." 

Then she seemed to realize how close we were, and she scrambled to get up. 

          "Foster," I said, realizing this could be the perfect time to tell her how I felt. After all, my face so covered in so much mud that she wouldn't be able to see how red it was. 

          "Yeah?" she replied, her face adorably oblivious to what I was about to say.

          "I... need to tell you something," I tried to figure what exactly to say. I decided to just go with the direct route. "I like you."

          "I like you too?" She seemed a little bit confused.

          "Foster," I willed her to understand. After a few minutes she seemed to get it, and even underneath the mud I could tell her face was bright red. "It's- It's okay if you don't feel the same way, I just had to tell you because I couldn't keep it a secret anymore, and Ro would probably kill me otherwise and-"

          "Keefe," she cut me off, her voice barely above a whisper.

(Sophie's POV)

All the blood rushed to my head as Keefe told me he liked me. He started to ramble about something, but I could barely think. My mind was flooded  with all the joked he had cracked, all the times he had been there for me, all the times he had understood me when nobody else had.

          "Keefe," I whispered. I knew what I had to do. I waited for him to look at me, and took a step forward, then another, until our faces were inches apart. I waited a second before I leaned in, and kissed him. And it was like fireworks had exploded inside of my brain. Everything seemed to click into place. Electricity ran through my veins when he kissed me back. 

          "Wow," his whispered when we finally broke apart. "Just, wow."

          "Yeah," I echoed, completely lost for words. Keefe started to talk, when I heard someone behind me. 

          "Sophie?" It was Marella. "Where were you? We've gotten all the boys except Keefe, so Biana and I decided to send out another searcher. Nobody has seen you all game though, so I wanted to know if  you had tried tracking Keefe with you mind."

          "Yeah," I answered, my voice sounding a bit strangled. 

          "Where then where is he..." her voice trailed away as she finally reached me. "We'll, I think you found him." 

"And based on the amount of mud on both of you, I would say you also tagged him," she sounded vaguely amused.

          "Yep," I replied looking anywhere but at Keefe. 

          "We'll then," Marella sounded like she was trying not to laugh. "Let's head back to the others. They'll be anxious to know whether or not we won." 

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