Running Away

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 Heads up, I accidentally published this section early, so if you already read it make sure to reread it for more information. Tysm for reading!!! 

(Sophie's POV)

          Everyone sat in a shocked silence after I kissed Keefe. We stayed there for a minute, until I couldn't take it anymore. Leaping up, I darted from the room, trying to get as far away as possible as I could from the prying looks. As soon as I reached the front door, I heard cries from everyone else, telling me to wait and explain what happened. But it was too late. I sprinted towards the forest and launched myself into the void. I didn't care what happened, as long as I got away. 

          I barely remembered to picture Havenfield  as I shot through the void. Only as I was standing at the front door did I really start to think about what I had just done. Now everyone knew that I liked Keefe, but what that the end of the world? No. Then a small part of my brain whispered, what's really the end of the world  is that you don't know if Keefe like you or not. You never got to talk to him after the first kiss, and he might have realized that he likes someone else. Like how Dex realized he didn't like you after you kissed. 

          My heart began to pound as I thought about what I should do next. If I went inside, Grady and Edaline would want to know what happened. Plus Sandor would kill me. He barely let me go to Everglen alone. I needed to go to a place where everyone wouldn't think to check, but where I'd also be safe. Suddenly I knew exactly where to go. I ran towards the cliff, and immediately after I jumped off, I saw a flash of light. Everyone at the sleepover appeared, but I was gone the next second.

          "Oof," I muttered, as I slammed against the hard cement. "I really need to work on these landings." 

I dusted myself off as I examined the area around me. It looked like it was the middle of the night, and the neighborhood I was in was all dark. I mainly focused on the house in front of me. To elves, it might seem small, but as only humans lived here, it didn't matter. I cautiously approached the fenced off backyard, only to hear barking as soon as I got near. I scrambled away, not wanting for anyone to wake up. I had forgotten about Watson, Amy's beagle.

          "It's okay," I whispered, trying to calm him down. Frantically I searched all of my pockets, trying to find something to make him quiet. Finally I found the mallowmelt Keefe had given me. I paused for a second not wanting to throw it to Watson. For starters, it was mallowmelt, was any further explanation necessary? But... it was also something Keefe had given me. Did I really want to throw it over a fence? I sighed, might as well use it now. This way I could sneak into the house during night time. As I chucked it over the fence a gloomy thought occurred to me: I couldn't turn back now.

(Keefe's POV)

          "Foster-wait!" I yelled, as she darted away from the room. What had just happened? I started to get up, but Fitz shot me a dirty glare. 

          "I'll get her," he snarled, and stalked out of the room. I ran my hand through my hair as I tried to understand why Foster had run away, and why Fitz was acting like I was something he had found on the bottom of his boots. Suddenly, I heard the door slam shut, and seconds later Fitz ran into the room. 

          "She's gone," he panted, trying to catch his breath. "She teleported away."

          "What!" I yelled standing up instantly. Fitz pretended like I hadn't said anything, and continued to talk.

          "I don't know where she went, but we need to find her right now," he demanded, a growl creeping into his voice. 

          "She's probably at Havenfield," I offered, as everyone headed towards the Leapmaster. 

          "Does anyone know where she is?" Fitz asked, refusing to even look at me.

Marella and Dex exchanged confused glances, before they both turned pink and looked away. 

          "She might be at Havenfield, like Keefe said," Linh offered, also trying to figure out why Fitz was so obviously upset with me.

          "Perfect," Fitz replied. "Havenfield!" He called out, and the Leapmaster swept us away. 

When we arrived at Havenfield, everything seemed to be normal. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small dark shape falling off, the cliff. It was Foster. However, by the time I had noticed her, she was gone.

          "Guys," I whispered, my voice coming out choked. I think she just teleported away.

          "What!" Biana exclaimed, running over to the cliff. "Why do you think she is running from us?"

          "She was clearly ashamed of what happened during the truth or dare," Fitz muttered, giving me another glare. 

          "Dude, cool it," Tam butted in, and I blinked in surprise. Did bangs boy just defend me?

"And since nobody else seems to be thinking, I'll be in charge," Tam eyed the group. "We'll need to split into pairs to have the best chance of finding her. We'll also pull names out of a hat to make sure there is no complaining. Does everyone understand?" 

          "Yes," everyone mumbled, a little afraid of Tam. 

          "I'll get the things!" Biana yelled, before leaping back to Everglen. Within moments she was back, holding a hat, some paper, and a pencil. Once everyone wrote their names down, Tam started to announce the names.

          "First up, Dex and Marella," Tam said. "You guys are a pair. Next, Me and... Biana."

Tam's face looked like it was trying to turn into a strawberry, and he blurted out the rest of the groups quickly. "Linh is with Fitz, and Keefe, you're going to be alone since nobody likes you."

          "Hey!" I started to protest, but bangs boy cut me off. 

          "Okay everyone, go where you think Sophie would be, and don't let anyone know she is gone."

I started to think about where she would want to go. Probably somewhere we wouldn't think to check, but she would also try to be safe. Maybe she went to the Foxfire? Then it hit me. She would try to visit her sister.  

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