The Panic Attack

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(Keefe's POV)

          "What do you mean his mind has been erased?" I asked, a little frantic. 

          "Well... all of his memories have just disappeared," Elwin said as kindly as he could. "It would take a really strong telepath, but everything is just... gone."

I shook my head numbly, hardly able to comprehend what he had just told me. How could my father's mind have been erased? And why would anyone do it? Sure- he was cruel, manipulative, psychotic, vindictive, and distant- but he was still my father. Nobody deserved to have their identity taken away. 

Vaguely, I could feel someone putting their hand on mine, but I had no idea who it was. I felt all my systems slowly begin to shut down. My mind was running so fast that I began to hyperventilate. My skin turned clammy as I just sat there, barely making a sound. I tried to tell everyone that something was wrong, but I couldn't get the words to come out.

          "Keefe? Keefe!" I heard a voice repeating my name over and over, but I didn't know how to respond. The sound of people rushing around the room was the only thing I could make out over the pounding in my head. How could my father be gone, and why would someone erase his memory?

(Fitz's POV)

I felt a strange tingle of glee when Elwin had told Keefe that Lord Cassius's mind had been erased. He deserved to feel ashamed. Because he wouldn't leave Sophie to me, someone had gotten hurt. It was all his fault, even if he didn't know it.

          "Keefe? Keefe?" I shook the thoughts out of my head as I saw Sophie sitting next to Keefe, frantically shaking his shoulder. Instantly, a hot bolt of anger shot through me. Keefe was being so weak right now. I saw a tear drip down his face and thought how could Sophie ever think this weak selfish person was worth her time. She should be laughing at him with me. 

I felt a small trickle of terror though, when Keefe failed to respond to her. Elwin rushed over, and began making different colored lights appear. 

          "Everyone out," he ordered, shooing us out of the room. I numbly followed the parade of people, and we all sat outside of the healing center for hours. Eventually, I couldn't take it any more and I leapt back to Everglen. School was tomorrow after all, and I didn't want anything to appear wrong. 

I slammed the door shut as I walked into the house, frustrated at the turn tonight had taken. What had started as a fun sleepover had turned into a search party, fight, and ended with an Elwin visit. 

          "Fitz!" A voice called down the hall, right  as I reached my room. Sophie? I turned around hopefully, only to see Biana standing there. "Wait up!"

          "What do you want?" I grumbled debating whether to talk to her or not.

          "We need to talk," she sounded grim, and all traces of friendliness was gone. "And right now I am not talking to you as your sister, and as Sophie's friend."

I rolled my eyes and began to walk into my room. I already had this talk once today-no need to repeat it. I always knew that Biana liked Keefe, but I never thought she would choose him over me. 

"Wait," she was so angry, that I actually paused. "I know you were the one that injured Linh. Lord Cassius is many things, but he is not a liar. And I know you will say anything to get yourself out of trouble."

I stood there, frozen in the doorway, with no idea what to say. I couldn't talk my way out of this one. Biana knew me too well.

"I also know that you think you like Sophie. But that's not true. You want to 'have her' so badly, because you don't like the idea of not getting your way. But deep down, we both know that Keefe and Sophie belong together," she continued to talk, uncaring about what her words were doing to me. "Keefe is perfect for Sophie, and she is perfect for him. They understand each other, and everyone deserves someone like that in their life."

She blushed slightly, and I narrowed my eyes. What was she leaving out? She had never said anything like this before now, why all the sudden interest in Sophie's love life.

          "I don't care!" I finally hissed, staring at her defiantly. "Keefe doesn't deserve Sophie! Only I do!" 

I whipped around and sulked into my room. How dare she but into something that didn't concern her! I fumed as I tried to go to sleep, but no matter what I did I couldn't get her words out of my head. She had to be wrong, didn't she?

(Biana's POV)

I sighed as Fitz slammed the door shut. He was so blind to the fact that Keefe and Sophie were destined to be together. I had no proof yet, but I was pretty sure tonight wa s the night Sophie had stopped being oblivious. And I think Fitz knew it too. 

I slowly walked to my room and pulled out my imparter. 

"Show me Sophie Foster," I command and waited for her to pick up. It took three tries before she answered. Her hair was in its usual pineapple shape, and she was leaning on the wall to the healing center. 

          "What happened?" She asked, covering up a yawn. 

          "We need to talk," I replied. "I'll be there in a minute." 

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