The Debate

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(Keefe's POV)

          "Where it it?" I hissed, desperate to get moving. I continued to dig through my stash of leaping crystals at Candleshade, hoping to find the crystal that led to Foster's human family. I rushed outside and held the crystal up to the light. Now I had the challenging job of convincing her to come back.

When the street shimmered into view, I was very unimpressed. It was full of tiny shacks. They might have  been big by human standards, but to elves they were tiny. I turned around, trying to determine which house would be hers, when I heard a dog begin to bark I whipped around, and there was Foster! She was checking all of her pocket frantically, and eventually drew out something wrapped. I felt a pang as I realized it was the mallowmelt I had made for her. She stared at it reluctantly, then chucked it over the fence. The dog slowly began to stop barking, and Foster used that time to levitate herself over the fence. I quickly snuck after her, not sure what my plan was. 

          "Keefe?" The voice came out shaky and unsure, as I dropped over the other side of the fence. I stared at Foster fora minute before I was able to talk again.

          "Foster," I breathed, trying to guess if she was about to bolt. 

          "How did you find me?" She asked, a slight pout in her voice.

          "The better question," I took a step closer. "Is how did you think I wouldn't."

Her breath hitched, as I continued to move closer to her, and a brilliant red hue spread across her face. 

          "Foster," I whispered when we were inches apart. "You're blushing."

          "Keefe," she whispered back. "You're annoying."

          I gave her a slight smirk as I murmured, "And that's why you love me."

Her blush deepened, but she didn't break away from my stare. 

          "Prove it," She challenged, a gleam in her eyes. I closed the space between us, and when I finally pulled away, she smiled.

"Point taken," she declared, and leaned forward again. After a few seconds, my imparter started to glow. Without moving an inch, I shut off the call. However, a few seconds later it lit up again. 

Foster drew back and said, "I think someone needs to talk. Don't worry, we can finish later."

I felt my face turn the same shade as her tunic, and I hurriedly pulled out the imparter so she wouldn't see. It was Biana.

          "Finally Keefe!" She sounded exasperated and scared. "Fitz forgot to tell you, but Linh is hurt. Meet us at the healing center immediately."

(Sophie's POV)

What happened to Linh? What happened to Linh? What happened to Linh? The thought became a chant in my head as I stared at Linh's blood soaked body laying on one of the cots. 

          "I don't know what happened," Fitz said despondently as he repeated the story for the third time. "We had split up to search the house. I had only come out once I heard Linh screaming. But when I came out, Linh was laying on the sand, and Lord Cassius was standing over her, covered in her blood."

          "That's a lie!" Cassius snapped, showing emotion for the first time that night. "I was minding my own business inside until I heard them screaming at each other. When I came out, the Song girl was laying on the sand, with him standing next to her, and blood on his hands."

          "Her name is Linh," Tam growled, but nobody payed him any attention except Biana, who gave him a comforting smile. 

          "How did you even come up with that ridiculous story?" Lord Cassius sneered as if he could never be wrong about anything. 

          "It makes more since then me acting like the villain in some crazy story!" Fitz exclaimed.

          "Really," Lord Cassius smirked and leaned against one of the walls. "Or do you have no proof to deny this, and so you are scrambling for some inane half truth."

          "I-I don't- This is just- I mean- I don't know what you are saying!" As Fitz  scrambled for an answer I studied him closer. There was no way Cassius was telling the truth, right? It had to be a lie. Finally Fitz scraped together a sentence. "You have no proof either!"

          "On the contrary," His smile was unnerving. "I have perfect proof. I'll let Sophie search's my mind myself."

Beside me, Keefe sucked in a breath, obviously surprised his father would offer. I cringed at the thought of having to go into Cassius's brain again. Everything was so organized that it was like walking through a museum. 

          "Why would she do that?" Fitz sounded slightly panicked. "You could easily hide things from everyone, and create a warped idea of what you wanted her to see! I've been in your mind more, I should do it!"

I raised my eyebrows and gave Fitz a challenging stare. How dare he speak for me, and act as if he were a better telepath! Also, I had been in Cassius's mind far more often!

          "Actually," my voice came out cool with a hint of anger. "I would love to take you up on that offer."

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