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Okay so just a quick heads up, the next few chapters are going to happen at the same time. This way you can get everyone's story, but it still makes since. Also if you are reading this, tysm!!!

(Tam's POV)

My heart was pounding as I finished reading everybody's parters. Out of all the people to get, I had gotten Biana. I blushed at the idea of being alone with her, which was crazy because she had never shown any sign of liking me. Once everyone received their partners, Biana came over to me.  

          "Where do you think we should look?" Her voice shook, and she was looking at the ground. 

          "Um..." I didn't really know what to say. Sophie and I hadn't really spoken much, so I had assumed Biana would know where she was.

          "Maybe she went to the Wanderling Woods," Biana offered, already sounding less nervous. "I mean, it's usually deserted, and nobody would think to look for her there. I mean, nobody except me, that is."

          "Yes, a place that reminds you of dead elves," I muttered, not really knowing why I said it. 

          "Do you have a better idea?" She sounded a bit indignant. I felt my face flush. I wasn't trying to make fun of her idea, I was just trying to see why Sophie would go there.

          "Nevermind," I mumbled. "Let's just go."

Biana crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, we are going to have to go back to my house for the Leapmaster. Unless you think that is dumb too?"

Why was it so hard to talk around her? Everything I said sounded snarky and mean. And even though that was my style, I didn't want to be like that to Biana. 

          "No," I replied, not meeting her eyes. "Let's just go."

Biana rolled her eyes and pulled out her leaping crystal.  "Let's go."

I growled to myself as the light pulled us away. I had rarely talked to Biana, and now that I had, I made her hate me in a matter of moments. This was terrible.

(Biana's POV)

What was wrong with Tam? I wondered as we appeared at Everglen. Usually he was funny in a sarcastic sort of way, but now he was just being cruel. And even though I had a crush on him, this was not going to be tolerated. 

           "Let's just go quickly," Tam grumbled. And although I h tried not to take it personally, I couldn't stop a flash of hurt at the surliness in his voice. 

          "Fine," I refused to show how much these words had affected me. I quickly led the way way up the the Leapmaster, but when I looked behind me for a brief second, I noticed Tam dragging his hands through his hair, looking distraught. I did my best not to care though. He would probably only say something nasty. 

          "Wanderling Woods!" I cried, letting the glimmering light sweep us away. 

          When the forest finally filled my vision, I instantly started looking around for any signs of Sophie. As far as I was concerned, Tam could do what he wanted. The decaying leaves crackled underneath my feet as I made my way over to Sophie's tree. It was still scrawny and sickly pale, due to the malfunction in her genetics at the time. I quickly glanced around to see if Tam was following me, and when I saw that he wasn't, I began to inspect the tree more carefully. No that he had disappeared, i could concentrate without silver tipped bangs filling my brain. 

          "Seriously?" I muttered, when I stubbed my toe on a rock. A few tears trickled down my cheeks. I furiously rubbed my face with my hand, thankful to have water resistant makeup, before giving in to the tears for a few minutes. Tonight had started out so promising. The sleepover had evened amazing, and I was actually going to tell Tam how I felt. But it had only led to Sophie running from us, and me getting my hopes crushed. 

          "Okay," I mumbled to myself, after I had stood underneath the tree for a couple of moments. "This is clearly useless. Sophie isn't here, so we should start looking in a new place."

I began to make my way over to where I had last seen Tam, when a soft murmuring filled my ears. I quickly followed the sound of the voice, but to my dismay, it wasn't Sophie. I paused when I realized it was Tam talking to himself in the middle of an open space.

          "Why can't you just tell her how you feel?" The question made me freeze. It was impossible not to eavesdrop. "You're acting like a complete jerk! You have to tell her before she thinks only the worst of you!"

I felt my heart drop to my feet as I listened. Could he be talking about me? I didn't want to be oblivious like Sophie. And I honestly didn't know who else it could be. He didn't really talk to a lot of other girls, or boys, as far as I knew. And I hadn't seen him act overly rude to anyone else besides Keefe, who he couldn't stand. Before I knew what I was doing, I stepped into the clearing. 

          "Tam?" My  came out in a whisper so I tried again. "Tam, I need to talk to you."

(Tam's POV)

          "Tam, I need it talk to you."

I whipped around at the sound of BIana's voice. I didn't know how long she had been standing there, but I hoped she hadn't heard me talking to myself.

          "Yeah," my voice came out a little squeaky and I flushed bright red.

          "Tam," she sounded a little rushed. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I needed to tell you so I wouldn't have to keep pretending. I like you. I have ever since I met you. And-."

Her voice faltered as I took a few steps closer to her. WHAT AM I DOING?!? My brain screamed at my. But I was done being scared. I finished closing the distance between us, and stared into her eyes. Had she always been this short?

Must as I was mustering up the courage to kiss her, Biana surprised me. She leaned forward and made the first move. Everything just felt right as I kissed her back. It was Ike my entire life had been leading towards this moment. And I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world. Suddenly, her imparter blared out a loud noise, and we both jumped. Biana grabbed her imparter and pointed to it, asking if she could answer it. The moment she pressed the button, Fitz's voice blared out of the screen.

          "Seriously Biana! What took you so long? I need help! It's Linh..." 

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