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(Sophie's POV)

          "Sophie," a soft voice startled me. Keefe and I jumped away from each other, and quickly turned towards Tam. 

          "Yeah?" I asked, a little embarrassed that he had been able to come into the room without either Keefe or I noticing. 

          "Is it okay... is it okay if I am alone with Linh for a few minutes," His voice cracked as he was talking, and it looked like his eyes were tearing up.

          "Of course," I replied, before grabbing Keefe's hand and rushing out of the room.

          "Sooo," Keefe teased as we stood outside of the healing center. "I se we're already at the hand-holding stage."

I blushed, but didn't let go of his hand, instead choosing to tease back. "Well, would you rather that I never hold your hand again?"

          "Like you count resist this," he waved his hands around his hair as if that explained everything. "We both know that The Hair is so awesome, that you couldn't even try to stay away from it, or me."

My face continued to mimic a tomato, but didn't deny it, which Keefe definitely noticed. 

          "Now, I think I remember you saying something about how we could continue a very important conversation later," he moved closer. "Unless you want to skip the talking part."

I smiled, saying, "I'm fine with skipping the conversation, but I have to know one thing. Keefe, do you want to be my boyfriend? You know how much I like you, and I don't want to hide it from anyone."

          "Foster, I would love to," he smirked. "So is that all...?"

I smirked right back. "We can keep talking if you would like."

Keefe didn't even bother to answer. He just moved closer and closer, until he couldn't anymore. He tucked my hair behind my ear, and leaned in.

          "Ugh, could you stop already," a snarky voice interrupted us.

          "Yeah," another all to familiar voice added. "I couldn't agree more."

Keefe and I spun around. Standing there were Tam and Fitz. 

(Keefe's POV)

I couldn't look at Fitz. We had both known about each other's crushes on Foster, but neither of us had said anything. And it's not like it would really matter. She would make her own choices, so fighting with each other wouldn't really help anything.

          "Come on," I complained, trying to keep the mood light. "It's like you walk around on cat feet or something!"

Bangs boy gave me a half smile, before saying, "It's better than walking around on those big mastodon feet of yours."

I pressed a hand over my heart in mock anger. "How dare you. And at least I don't make it a habit of scaring people for fun."

          "Um," Foster got what I was trying to do. "You aren't so high and mighty yourself. I have personally seen you spend hours rigging gulon gas in Biana's room, so that the second she tried to open her closet or makeup, it would go off. And we both know how much she values these things."

I shook my head, pretending to be disappointed. "And here I ought you would take my side."

          "Yeah," it was the first time Fitz had spoken to me since Foster had ran away. His face was like a storm cloud-dark, thunderous, and declaring a large storm was about to come. "Because you brainwashed her into thinking you're better than you are."

I stood there for a second, not sure what to say. Everyone was silent, even Shady McSilverbangs."

"Ugh," Fitz rolled his eyes, before stalking over to Foster and saying, "We need to talk for a minute."

He grabbed her arm, and before I could protest, started dragging her down one of the hallways. She quickly caught my eye and nodded, telling me she was fine.

          "Umm," Tammy boy started to look uncomfortable, and mumbled something about checking on Linh again. As soon as he left, I quickly started to follow them. They traveled down several different hallways before finally stopping outside of a random classroom.

          "Sophie," Fitz was the one that started the conversation. "You need to know that you are making a mistake with Keefe."

My blood started to boil the longer he talked. Why did he feel that he always had to have everything. He had seen me and Foster outside the Healing Center, and still couldn't get the idea through his thick skull that she liked me instead of him.

"I know Keefe," Fitz continued. "And I know that no matter what he does, he ends up messing everything up. It's not to late for you to fix your mistake and pick me instead. I can do everything that he can do, but better. And if you were with me, you could even end up being a Vacker! I know that you love me, and you know that I love you."

He stopped for a minute, and right as Foster was about to talk he interrupted. "So, are you ready to tell everyone that we are dating now?"

          "No," Foster kept her message short and to the point. "Keefe and I are in a relationship. And although I value you as a friend, we are never going to happen. I'm sorry."

I grinned, but it quickly faded when I saw him lean down and kiss her. She shoved him away instantly and started to yell. "Seriously Fitz! Did you not just listen to anything I just said? I love Keefe, and nothing you do will ever change that."

          "But," Fitz looked flabbergasted. "I'm a Vacker. And I'm so much better than Keefe."

Foster just rolled her eyes and pushed her way past him, calling him some words that if Grady heard, would warn her verminion duty for the next month. He'd probably high five her though, given the circumstances. I waited for Foster around the corner, and she jumped a foot in the air when she saw me. 

          "What are you doing?" She asked, dragging me around the corner to avoid Fitz. "Were you spying one me?"

          "Yes and no," I replied, looping her arm through mine. "Yes as in I was watching you without your knowledge, but no as in I don't want you to be mad at me."

She laughed, but still said, "I can handle myself."

          "I know," I ran a hand through my hair. "It's just that you shouldn't have to all the time."

She raised her eyebrows and I added, "Also I might have thought you were going to punch him-which would have been awesome to see."

She laughed again. "If anyone was to get punched, it would be you."

          "Why?" I wondered, half offended. 

          "Because you followed me without my permission."

          "Good point," I took out a leaping crystal, and right before the light swept me away I called, "See you tomorrow Foster."

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