The Hunt

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(Keefe's POV)

This is fine. I thought to myself. Sophie will not laugh at you when you finally tell her that you've liked her since you first saw her. Everything is going to be fine.

          "Almost ready?" Ro groaned, waiting by my bedroom door.

          "Of course!" I forced a smirk. "Just making sure The Hair is looking its best."

Ro rolled her eyes and muttered something about looking good for someone in particular. I stalked past her, making sure to grab the mallowmelt that I baked for Sophie, before heading towards the leapmaster.

          "Everglen!" I called, and waited for the light to pull me away.

As I waited for someone to let me in, I heard several loud crashes. Right as I was beginning to get worried, Biana opened the door.

          "Sorry for making you wait," she panted. "We were trying to catch Sophie. We almost had her too, but we lost her at the last second.

I chuckled as I said, "Let me guess, you threatened her with a makeover."

She blushed sheepishly as she went inside. We headed toward their main living room, where Fitz, Linh, and Tam, were laying on the couch.

          "Hey," Fitz said, sounding completely out of breath.

Tam just glared at me, while Linh waved.

          "Haven't caught her yet?" I laughed when Fitz shook his head dejectedly.

          "I don't know why she won't come out of hiding!" He complained. "We've tried everything."

I smirked, an idea coming to me. "Watch the master."

Ro grinned evilly. "You should make it a competition. Whoever can get her to come out first gets un unlimited dare from the others."

We all eyedeach other, but everyone seemed confident they would win.

          "Deal," I said, and the five of us split up to find Sophie.

I started to go from room to room holding the mallowmelt in the air and declaring, "Sophie! I have mallowmelt!"

Finally, I got a response. I had been walking around the kitchen, when I heard a muffled, "Keefe!"

It was Sophie! She was hiding behind the fridge, and completely covered in dust.

          "Come here!" She called, before quickly adding. "And bring the mallowmelt!"

I smirked, and walked over, trying to make sure she wouldn't suspect I had any other intentions. As soon as she saw I had the mallowmelt, she wriggled out of her hiding spot. I quickly grabbed her and dashed back to the living room yelling, "I got her!"

          "Traitor! Let me go!" Sophie shouted once she figured out what was happening. She tried to get free, but I wouldn't let her. Everyone came into the room, looking a little put out that I had gotten her. But Fitz seemed the angriest of all. He was clenching his fists, and glaring at the floor. What was up with him?

          "Lord Hunkyhair for the win!" I exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey Biana, can you tell Sophie that you are not going to give her a makeover?" I asked, when Sophie tried to break free again.

          "Fine," Biana sighed dramatically. "I won't give you a makeover, yet."

Sophie seemed fine enough with that, because she promised to not run anymore. Just then, loud knocking came from the door. Everyone rushed over, to see Dex and Marella standing at the door. They both seemed slightly flushed, but I decided not to say anything. 

(Sophie's POV)

I fumed quietly as we all decided what to do. But I pretended to be fine, I would just have to get Keefe back later.

          "We could play base quest," I suggested. This as met by s a resounding chorus of yes's, so we went outside to pick teams.

          "I call Foster for my team!" Keefe yelled first.

          "Nope!" I replied cheerfully. "Boys versus girls. Abilities allowed."

Keefe pouted, but Linh, Biana, Marella, and I exchanged high fives. After all, a there was a pile of mud calling Keefe's name...

          "Boys are seeking first then!" Dex replied, as everyone headed towards the door. 

          "Fine by us," Marella said, but blushed as she looked at Dex. 

          "We'll be guarding the silver tree," Biana added, and seeing my confused expression she explained. "While studying for the level three midterms somebody turned one of trees to silver." She shot a glare at Keefe, before turning to us. "I'll show you where it is right now. We'll give you five minutes before we start trying to find you."

As we headed over to the silver tree,  we started to discuss the strategy. 

          "Should we have two people guarding the tree, and two people seeking?" Linh wondered when we finally reached the tree.

          "Yeah!" Biana agreed. "But one of the people guarding the tree should hide, so it looks like there's only one person."

          "Okay, so Sophie is obviously hunting, but what about everyone else?"  Marella questioned.

          "I should probably be the hidden tree guarder," Biana responded. "After all, I can turn invisible."

          "I think I should help Sophie hunt," Linh said softly. "I might be able to track them through the water in the air."

          "Perfect!" I replied. "But I think our five minutes are up, so Linh and I should probably get going."

          "Right, good luck!" Marella said, before sizing up the area. "And make sure that we win."

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