Truth or Dare

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I'm so sorry you guys! It wouldn't let me add the photos of their clothes, so just try to imagine it. Also, Tysm for all the reads!

(Biana's POV)

              "Oh my god Sophie what happened?" I squeaked as she and Keefe came out of the woods. "You look like you were dragged through a mud lake by a verminion!" 

Sophie looked slightly offended so I added, "But in good way."

Then I squealed an amazing idea occurring to me. "Although... now that you are covered in mud, you have to get a makeover!" 

          "But!" Sophie began to complain, but stopped herself. "Fine"

          "Yes!" I exclaimed. "Marella and Linh, I'm going to need your help."

          "Thank goodness," Marella muttered, befere heading inside. Linh and I were about to follow her when Keefe asked, "Hey! What about me? Are you just going to leave me to stay covered in mud."

          "It would be an improvement," Tam  hissed under his breath. "Now nobody actually has to see your face."

          "Excuse me!" Keefe defended himself. "I happen to be very good looking. Much hotter than you and your bangs!" He ran his hand through his hair, and I noticed Sophie turn a brilliant shade of red.

          "Please," Tam countered. "Your hair is boring. Mine has silver and more style than that flat lump you call hair."

          "Okay, time to go!" I declared, turning away before the boys could see that my face had done a Sophie. Keefe and Tam continued to bicker as we headed up to my room. My mind was filled with amazing bangs and handsome emo kids-um, I mean I was focusing really hard on Sophie's makeover.

          "Okay," Marella started when we reached my room. "We need to decide how give Sophie a makeover in the least amount of time possible."

          "We can each do different thing," Linh suggested. "I can do her hair."

          "I call picking out her outfit!" Marella said, rushing towards my closet.

          "That means I'll be doing makeup!" I exclaimed brightly. "Don't worry Sophie. Your styling crew is here to help."

                                                                         *30 minutes later*

(Sophie's POV)

          "Finished!" Biana sang, handing me a mirror. I winced, scared to see what I looked like. But to my surprise, I looked good! 

I had gold eyeshadow, light mascara, and blush. Marella had picked out a short red dress with black boots, which complemented the two half braids leading into a ponytail that Linh gave me. 

         "We did an awesome job!" Linh cheered.

          "Of course we did," Marella replied, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "How could we not?" 

We quickly headed to the living room, where the boys were laughing and laying on the couch. Fitz had apparently lent Keefe, some clothes, and he looked incredible! All the mud was gone, he was wearing a black and red jerkin, black pants, and black boots, so we matched a little, and his hair was once again, perfection. Fitz and Keefe stared at me as I walked over to them.

          "What?" I mumbled, wondering why they were watching me.

          "Nothing," Fitz muttered, looking at the ground.

          "You look really good Foster," Keefe said, looking a bit nervous. I do you think he was remembering...? Stop! I mentally scolded myself. That kiss might have not meant anything to him. Keefe smirked as he added, "Not as good as me though."

I blushed as I swatted his shoulder.

          "We should play truth or dare!" Biana exclaimed, making her way over.

          "No!" I immediately yelled, but to my dismay, everyone else agreed with Biana. "I never should have told you guys what this game was." I scowled. We made a circle on the floor, and instantly Linh called out, "I'm going first! Tam, truth or dare."

          "Dare," Tam replied confidently.

          "I dare you... to dye your hair bright orange, and leave it like that until tomorrow."

Tam scowled at Linh, while Dex asked, "Is this why you asked to me bring this elixir?" 

He took an clear bottle out of his pocket filled with an orange liquid.

          "Yep!" Linh replied. "Now drink up Tam!"

Tam took the bottle resignedly, and gulped it down.  Abruptly his hair shot up into a bright orange mohawk.

          "Hey!" He looked furious. "You never said it would give me a mohawk!"

          "Too late," Linh giggled. Tam shot her a death stare before Dex declared, "My turn! Biana, truth or dare?" 

          "Truth?" Biana looked scared.

          "Do you have a crush on somebody in the room?" Dex asked, an evil smile on his face.

Biana shot him a glare before sighing and saying, "Yes."

          "What!" Linh squealed. "Who?"

          "Not saying!" Biana squeaked, looking a bit triumphant. "He never said I had to!" 

          "Fine. But I will find out eventually!" Linh threatened. 

          "But right now it is my turn!" Biana changed the subject quickly. Her smile faded a little as she said, "Sophie, truth or dare."

I felt my face get hot as I considered the options. Dare would be pretty bad, but she already gave me a makeover, and I did not want to have truth. Eventually I mumbled, "Dare."

          "Then I dare you to kiss your crush."

(Keefe's POV)

          "Then I dare you to kiss your crush."

All the blood rushed to my head, and I turned to watch Foster. Her face had gone simultaneously bright red, but extremely pale. Then I actually began to think about it and I felt disappointed. There was no way she would pick me. Everyone knew she had a crush on Fitz. Sure she had kissed me during base quest, but that was probably out of pity. I looked down, wishing I had not sat next to Fitz. I did not want to see a Sophitz kiss. 

          "Okay," Sophie whispered. She stood up, and walked over to me and Fitz. She bent down, and she kissed me!!! It was only a second, but the familiar electrocuting feeling swept through me again. Every nerve in my body was on fire. Sophie liked me. 

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