Chapter 18

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While waiting sonic felt as if he was on the verge of falling asleep he was starting to get tired of waiting and just go find his friends himself but he couldn't just leave shadow in this vulnerable state especially when that guy- or girl might be roaming around

Sonic sighed his eye lids starting to feel heavy he crossed his legs and leaned his head on his palm his injury no longer hurting as bad also being too tired to care.

Sonics ear flicked at a sound he opened his eyes looking out from the hole seeing nothing, shrugging it off sonic closed his eyes once more but more alert his quills rising slightly just in case they were to be attacked or something and yet again sonic heard another sound but closer to him he could hear a shifting sound with quiet struggled grunts, sonics eyes snapped open looking to his side seeing shadow sitting up "shadow your awake!" Sonic yelled happily but his smile quickly faltered when he saw the hedgehog painfully holding his sides looking out the hole of the tree with a serious look on his face his ears perked up, after a while of just doing that shadow growled lowly in annoyance then looked over at sonic

His glare sticking "sonic." Shadow said grabbing the other and bringing them into a hug leaving sonic surprised and confused until he heard shadow whisper something into his ear "i think someone is outside" shadow said sonics eyes widened "but i wont know for sure unless you check" shadow said in a serious tone sonic knew he wasn't joking "you want me to go out there" sonic said being less of a question than it might of sounded "no, too dangerous" shadow said sonic sat quiet waiting for instructions "your in the ultimate life forms body, my senses work three times better than the average Mobian you should be able to figure out were they are, just focus" shadow said his voice becoming softer the more he spoke

Sonic nodded and closed his eyes blocking out everything leaving the job to his wandering ears

Shadow was right there was someone outside but he didn't hear the breathing of the person instead they heard some sort of motor sound from afar in some tree but he could also hear another sound of others walking near there was just two of them it was sonics friends thats when he noticed that the unknown being was on the move headed toward..

"They're in trouble" sonic muttered "who's in trouble?" Shadow said "tails and knuckles they said they were coming to get us but now that person is going after them" sonic said "stay here I'm going after them!" Sonic said getting immediately stopped when shadow grabbed his wrist "no you idiot I'm going with you" shadow said getting up and out of the tree with sonic "but your-" "i dont give a damn I'm going with you wether you like it or not" shadow said "now lead the way" shadow growled sonic just did as he was told not wanting to waste time arguing.

"Sonic? And shadow too!" Tails said as his brother heading his way "i thought j told you to stay put and you even brought shadow along he's hurt!" Tails said "heh sorry little buddy but this is important" sonic said going into a defensive stance when he heard the snap of a branch knuckles and shadow doing the same standing around tails leaving the little fox confused "what is it?" Knuckles whispered "I'm not sure but they've been following me and shadow for some time" sonic said keeping track of where the unknown being was and for some reason they were just standing in front of shadow unmoving not too far away practically invisible in the thick forest.

Thats when sonic realized, was their target shadow all along? was that why he was pushed off they knew he would get injured but why wait why wont they just come out already their covers been blown so why still hide?

Sonics mind was racing glancing over at shadow every now and then making sure he was okay the two minutes they stood there felt like hours sonic becoming more and more anxious by the second sonic guessed that shadow already knew about the person standing not from him since he held a strong glare straight towards them, shadows ear twitched narrowing his eyes at the shadowy figure he was able to somewhat spot.

The silhouette was rather familiar to shadow except from the noticeably bright red eyes that peeked at him from behind a tree just watching shadow stalking and staring right into his soul trying to seem as if he wasn't effected but the sight creeped shadow out a bit, like what the hell was their deal what was even the point of staying out of sight shadow was staring right at them and they stared back shadow could hear a faint sound of a motor but wasn't completely sure, shadow noticed a shift of movement in the silhouette that being one of the only first movements it had made the whole, time shadow nudged sonics arm causing him to snap out of his daze and straight at the other who continued to stare sonic followed the others gaze the person was moving straight towards shadow their movements becoming faster and faster as shadow prepared himself for a fight

The person came out into the sun enough for all to notice exactly who the unknown silhouette was having the same blue and pointy quills as möbius hero but instead of actual quills like a real mobian it was just cold steel.

Metal sonic reached for shadow with his sharp metal claws his jet lighting preparing for a retreat  ruining the others plan shadow jumped out the way bringing tails with him so he wasn't taken instead, metal swerved back around trying yet again but failing so one metal turned around again headed for shadow once more sonic tackled metal down keeping him still with the help of knuckles who was just about to smash the robot to scrap with his bare fists but ended up getting his glove burned since he placed his hand directly onto metals jet taking that to metals advantage started his jet up once again causing knuckles glove to light on fire

With knuckles distracted metal had new plans and snapped his head to sonic kicking him off hitting him hard in the side of his head knocking the forgotten tissue out his nose and with that shadow roundhouse kicked metal in the back of the head getting metal to be thrown a few feet quickly regaining posture and snatching up sonic instead using his jet to fly away the kick hadn't knocked sonic out so he fought back summoning a chaos spear but it automatically disappeared he felt weak all of a sudden feeling drained he could hear his friends calling after him tails even trying to keep pace with metal but failing as his poor twin tails became tired slowing him down greatly but then that was it until everything went dark.

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