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"Thank you."

Marianne focuses her gaze on the floor, a smile on her lips as she pushes her arms into the sleeves of her coat; said piece of clothing being held up in the air by none other than Gilbert Blythe.

He said he had meant to call on her this weekend, but, since Marianne was busy in Charlottetown, a walk home now will have to suffice.

"The good doctor?"

Marianne ceases grinning stupidly to herself and looks at Anne. Ever since they returned to Avonlea, the redhead has been in an exceptionally cheerful mood (surpassing her usual positive attitude). Marianne knows it's not only because of the party at Josephine Barry's house, a certain boy is also partially, if not mainly, responsible. Especially considering the fact that he made Anne a most sincere promise to pursue correspondence with her.

After which, Marianne had no choice but to put up with Anne's constant and not so subtle questions about Teddy Gardner the whole ride home.

"Someday, I... hope I get there. In the meantime, it feels good to know what I want."

"You'll get there if you..." Anne pauses, her eyes meeting Marianne's before she makes an attempt to wink at the older girl, "go where your passions lead you." And then she's out of the door already, only a giggle left as a reminder of her presence.

Marianne tries to hide her embarrassment by putting strands of hair in front of her face. "Don't mind her." Stepping outside, she throws the words over her shoulder. "Anne's still quite tired after the party."

"Why? She's said nothing wrong, has she?"

Objectively. It's all about the tone and the wink, and they both know that.

"Well, I- You're teasing me, are you not?"

His attempt to form an apologetic smile is a failed one. After all, it's not like he has no idea of the effect his doings have on her. One could even venture to say that he finds it quite enjoyable.

"Sorry. Did you two enjoy yourselves this weekend?"

"You must have noticed already, large crowds aren't really my cup of tea, really. But I must admit, I'm glad I decided to attend." And it's true. It was nice to be a part of such an event, a reminder of all those that her parents took her and Edward to as children. Back then, Marianne would have given everything to be able to stay at home instead, but now she finds the memories pleasant. "I like that it gave me an opportunity to see an old friend of mine. Though, I suppose, Anne was even more glad to meet him there than I was. She did seem positively bewitched by Teddy, so- My, I shouldn't be telling you that, Anne's certainly wouldn't want me gossiping like that about her business. Can you just pretend I didn't say anything?"

"If that's what you want. However, I must confess it's not that easy for me to forget anything you say, Marianne."

Yes, Gilbert Blythe enjoys teasing her, alright.


"So," he continues, "did you dance? I'm sure there must have been a handful of young gentlemen just dying to hold your hand for a moment."

It sounds so absurd that Marianne cannot help a short laugh escaping her lips.

"Well, I must hardly be a desirable dancing partner. I suppose that discontent look on my pace is enough to discourage any boys from asking me," Marianne tries to say it in a joking manner, but there's a little bitterness in her tone, too. She might not be especially keen on dancing, but it probably would have been nice to be asked. "So, only with Edward and Teddy, the friend I mentioned before."

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