After her last conversation with Edward, Marianne finds herself anxious before seeing Gilbert again, and the feeling doesn't fade away the next couple of days. The nerves that make her stomach twist and turn are still there as she accompanies her family to see Anne off at the station; as for herself, Marianne was told that she is needed on the farm, but she supposes it was just a way of Marilla stating that she would be less worried if at least one of the two girls stayed safe and sound in Avonlea.
"Don't talk to any strangers."
"Of course!"
"Don't accept any rides."
"Of course."
"And stay close to Gilbert at all times."
Marianne doesn't even have to look at the boy at her side to know that there is a smile on his face, his lips stretched in that famous smirk of his. She has to admit - seeing Marilla fuss over Anne in such a way is quite entertaining, especially with the girl getting more and more embarrassed due to Gilbert hearing all of that.
His thumb caresses over her knuckles as they watch horror overtake Anne's features from behind the older woman's back. It's a small touch, one Marianne enjoys, yet it does little to soothe her nerves.
"Edward told me he'd seen you the last time he'd visited Avonlea," she whispers to him, words spilling out of her mouth before she has a chance to think better about speaking on the matter right now. Her brother said that they had arrived at Green Gables not long ago after the girls leaving for the party - and, wishing neither to intrude the gathering nor to spend hours waiting at the farm, they've decided to pay a visit to Edward's friend. Apparently, it was Teddy who seemed the most curious to meet the Blythe boy.
"Yes. He, um, he didn't stay for long, but it was nice to be able to catch up a little. Since he left for Charlottetown a few years back, we've never truly had a chance of a conversation that wouldn't have to be rushed."
"And what did you talk about? If you don't mind me asking, that is."
His fingers stop in place for a few seconds. He must surely hear it in her voice that Marianne already knows the answer - it's evident from the way her question is asked. "You know I have no reluctance to tell you whatever you should like to know," but his own voice becomes somehow strained, too. One of Gilbert's hands, the free one, rises up to his head, fixing his cap. "We, uh, we talked about you, if I am to be honest."
For a moment, they both watch in silence as Marilla scolds Anne once again - the woman trying to rub some dirt, one only she seems to be able to see, off her face. Marianne can't help glancing over at Gilbert, taking notice of that smug look on his face as the word 'urchin' is said aloud.
"And what exactly was mentioned between the three of you?"
The boy clears his throat before answering, "Edward asked what my intention were. Regarding you, Mar-"
"Me!" Anne shouts suddenly, cutting Marilla off. She looks between the woman and the pair behind her back with pure terror in her eyes. "I ride trains. And I've ridden many without you before. And need I remind you that I'm a veteran voyager?"
"Matthew, give her another penny for food just in case. You know what she's like when she's on one of her adventures. She forgets to eat. And before you know, sh-sh-she's weakened and- and face-down in a ditch!"
Marianne pushes her face into Gilbert's shoulder as an attempt to hide that ugly snort escaping her lips just now. She chooses to stay in that position just a little more, so, as the boy bends his head slightly, the tip of his nose brushes along the line of her hair.

₁.₀ SUPERCUT; gilbert blythe ✔
Fanfiction❝ I don't want to be your quiet afternoon crush. I could, but it will never be enough to satisfy me. It won't even come close. ❞ | anne with an e | | gilbert blythe × oc |