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Alright, decides Marianne. She's ready to believe in the power of imagination if only will it make Gilbert Blythe disappear.

At the moment, Marianne is trying her very best to ignore the boy walking at her side. It's not like he's bothering her in any way - staying silent and, which is actually quite nice, carrying her books - but everything is just so... awkward.

She knows that what occured in class isn't a reason to feel shame. She didn't feel unwell on purpose, it wasn't her fault. Just her body telling her she probably should have stayed at Green Gables this morning instead of forcing herself to school, especially with everything that happened in between.

Still, she can't help it. Almost losing her consciousness in front of the entire class and having everyone stare at her wasn't exactly a part of her perfect day at school. In fact, it felt even worse than going to that place for the first time yesterday.

Maybe she should just be grateful she's not Anne. The redhead girl had it worse than she did.

Alas, back to Gilbert Blythe.

Looking at him as discreetly as she can, Marianne wonders why would he do this in the first place. He did help them in the morning with Billy Andrews, but wasn't exactly very kindness himself afterwards, teasing Anne like he did. And today being the day she first met him, Marianne has no idea what to expect of the boy. He's just so...

"I beg your pardon?"

Catched off guard, Marianne turns to him in surprise. Surely, she didn't say it out loud, did she?

The way his eyes - and quite beautiful they are, she notices - seem to be locked with her own is actually proving just the opposite.

Feeling her cheeks becoming much warmer than fits her liking, Marianne averts her gaze from Gilbert's face, focusing it on the road instead. "Oh, I'm sorry," she apologises quickly. She doesn't like the way her voice sounds. "It was nothing you should worry about, just thinking out loud."

Nodding his head gently, Gilbert is no longer looking at her. Though he turns his head just in time for Marianne to notice the corner of his lips tugging upwards. He seems to be smirking - maybe he is - and Marianne knows instantly that she failed to convince him. And she failed rather miserably.

And he knows it, too. From the moment they left school he glanced at her worriedly every few minutes, sometimes a few times during one (he offered her to link her arm with his too, but Marianne was conscious just enough to refuse). Now he's no longer doing that, obviously on purpose, like he decided it would be the best way to encourage the girl to speak.

Worst of all, it's working.

So, after a few minutes of struggle, Marianne finally gives up.

"Why would you do this? Offer to walk me back to Green Gables, I mean."

He takes a moment before answering, long enough for her to start fearing he'll say nothing at all.

"You were unwell and I thought it to be the best thing to happen. Is that not good enough for a reason?"

"Well, it's a reason alright." Under his stare, watching her face closely, Marianne feels... torn. Yes, there's her usual wish to do as little as possible to attract anyone's attention, but it's not the only thing on her mind. A new wish to be more open - even bold, maybe - and speak her mind is there too and Marianne isn't sure whether she's fond of this discovery or not.

Still, could she be to blame for whatever she decides to do now, after what had happened? Almost loosing one's consciousness due to headache isn't a bad excuse - perhaps she could hide behind it.

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