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"And you'll say two words that represent you, using the first letters of your given name and surname. I'll start." The new teacher stands up, a smile never leaving her lips. "Muriel Stacy. Mischievous. Scholastic."

Miss Stacy seems nothing but nice, but this whole idea isn't really Marianne's favourite. The moment she heard the words 'form a circle and make introductions' being said aloud, the girl has been feeling even more anxious than she usually does at school. There's something about the thought of standing in front of the whole class, everyone's eyes fixed on her, that makes her shudder. Constantly turning in her seat on the floor, Marianne tries to think of the right words to describe herself, not wanting to end up struggling with it later and fearing the embarrassment already.

The new teacher calls out the first name, "Ruby Gillis".

The blonde girls stands up, her hands folded neatly in front of her. "Romantic... girl?" she says, the second word sounding more like a question as she smiles at Gilbert.

For some reason, it makes Marianne stiffen, her anxiety rising to a point when it becomes noticeable to the said boy. Gilbert leans in, his breath tickling her cheek as he whispers, "If you don't want to do this, I'm sure Miss Stacy would understand. Or you can always say that you are not feeling well and I shall accompany you outside to get some air."

His name is called then and, stammering, he stands up. 'Global' and 'bookish' are the two words he describes himself with. As he thinks and speaks, however, his gaze is fixed on Marianne still; she watches him, too, therefore it's only natural that their eyes meet at one point, making the girl barely conscious of Anne's comments.

"I'm afraid it would only cause me more attention than actually following the task," she whispers back. "But I appreciate the offer."

"Well, if you change your mind over the next few minutes, it'll still stand."

Marianne nods her head, the corners of her lips tugged upwards slightly. She shifts her focus once again, now to Prissy Andrews - the next person speaking.

"Pragmatic... Actualised."

"She left our former teacher at the altar."

Now, that's what truly makes Marianne pay attention. Anne's comment comes so much as a surprise that it actually makes her gasp quietly, one hand going up to cover her mouth almost instantly. She knows, probably better than anyone, that the redhead girl has no intention of being mean, and yet now 'mean' it's the perfect phrase to describe her words with. It's understandable that Anne wishes to make the best impression on Miss Stacy, but why should she choose such a path to do it is simply beyond Marianne's imagination.

She knows she ought to overcome her fear of speaking out loud now, she ought to try and make Anne realise how rude she seems at the moment. Miss Stacy, however, is the first one to act.

"Perhaps you would like to share your comment with the class?"

Even though the question is asked in a tone indicating a warning, something all of them catch on to, Anne remains oblivious. "Well, it's no secret that Prissy was affianced to our former teacher, but justifiably left the wedding," she goes on explaining, ignorant of the fact that the Andrews girl is still standing there, with a look on her face that makes Marianne feel angry at her friend. "I'll be happy to fill you in about everyone in Avonlea, because I was once an outsider, too, and I know how hard-"

"No need to provide me with gossip," Miss Stacy cuts in. "I don't condone it."

Marianne listens attentively to the conversation, silently wishing for Anne to understand her mistake as soon as possible. She only realises how worried she is when a hand is placed on one of her own, the gesture causing her to stop picking her cuticles unconsciously. From his hand, Marianne's gaze follows along Gilbert's arm all the way to his eyes; shaking his head a little, the boy says, "Don't, please." And the gentle weight is lifted from her fingers, before anyone has a chance to notice.

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