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"Bye Collin." I watch the others hug goodbye, I awkwardly stood at the side.

"Have fun in college." I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"Not too fun." Olivia laughs at her own joke.

"I want to give you something," Owen whispers.


He place something in my hand, "open your hand when you're in the car."


"All done?" Peter got back in the car, "are those food?" Olivia questions.

"Yeah, I got bored so I bought some snacks." I got into the back seat and close the door.

"You okay, Chelsea? Peter looks back at me.

"Fine." I say in a low tone.

I open up my hand slowly, it is a picture of us when we were 16. It's in a star shaped necklace.

I open up the crumbled piece of paper.

"Evans. the gift is stupid. but i am crazy in love with you. i am coming back for you, you know. ;) - owen."

I roll my eyes and smiled.


"So what happened on senior prank day?" Uncle Evans ask when we drop by the gun range.

"Ava got involved so, Noah and the three of us ended up having library duty." I reply, passing drinks to them.

"Ava doesn't even study there. She's not even a teenager anymore." Peter laughs.

"Then we also got detention because Ms Seinfeld presumes that we flooded the school but we didn't. So.." I shrug.

"You guys flooded the school?" Uncle Evans raises his eyebrows at us.

"No, it was Olivia." Peter and I said in unison.

"It was an accident!" Olivia exclaims, her face turning white.

"Did you know that Ash's name is Isaac though?" Olivia says to my uncle, trying to change the subject.

"Oh I already knew that," Uncle Evans says.

"How did you flood the school?" He ask.

"She don't even have a detention," Noah shot a look at her.

"I am sorry!"


"Do you think I will ever get a proper job?"

I look at Ash, "maybe you should be a doctor. You know our town desperately need a good doctor right." Olivia says.

"But you know, you can't have sex with the patients." She added.

I roll my eyes and make a three pointer shoot.

I missed and Noah got the ball, "nice necklace." He notices.

"Shut up." Noah did a layup and scored.

"Kinda of miss Trevor though." Edwin mutters.

"Oh did you know that he got a spot in the school as Owen?" I look at him. "How would I know that? We rarely talk anymore." Edwin states.

"I miss the old times when all of us were on this court." I muttered.

"It was a mess back then." Edwin says.

"Yeah it was." Peter joins us, with a plastic of drinks.

"Especially my sister, how many boys have you mess with?" Peter shot a look at me.

I grab the ball and throw it to his chest, hard.

Unfortunately, he got it in his hands.

"Oh Chelsea."

"Don't call me that Peterson." I glare at him.

"Peterson?" Olivia laughs at his nickname I gave him.


"You got a letter from University of California!" Ava shouted when Peter and I stepped in.

"Yes!" Peter runs over to Ava. "Thank you for choosing University of California, you have been accepted- And I am going to California!"

My heart stopped, "when?!" I ask, trying to be happy for him.

"Next week."

"I need to pack my things." He runs up the stairs and Ava and I stare at each other.

"Exciting." I flash a smile at her and I walk up to my bedroom.

"Yeah, I am going to California! Exactly we're going to the same school, it's gonna be exciting." I hear Peter talking to Olivia.

Olivia will be in the cheerleading, still.

And I.. I will be right in this town.

Doing nothing productive.

Maybe go back to high school and hang with Ms Seinfeld.

Yeah that's a great idea.

- Next Week

"I should have gone earlier." Noah says as I walk him into the airport.

"You didn't need to come you know." He says, taking a seat on the chairs.

"Whatever, I have nothing to do anyway." I shrug.

"Drew, you didn't even apply for college. Your grades are amazing- but you didn't even try to apply for community college." He points out.

"Because I don't know what course to take." I stated.

"You're stupid." He snaps at me.

"So how's Peter?" He changes the topic.

I breathe in deeply, "he's happy. You know, he's with Olivia." I say.

"Well I need to check in now." Noah says.

"Meet you on court?" He ask smirk.

"Will be right there." We did our handshake we made a few years ago and hug each other.

"Don't be gone for so long ok, I only have Ava and she always but me dresses." I frown slightly.

Noah laughs and pat my back, "doesn't hurt to wear one."

"It hurts my pride." I say sarcastically.

We pull away, "be safe. And have fun in Australia." I muttered.

"Don't be such a trouble, Evans. The town has suffered enough."

I roll my eyes at him.

"Don't miss me too much alright?" He laughs and went to the checkpoint.

Well now, I am all alone.

So alone.




thanks for the votes and comments, really appreciate it xx

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