Chapter 14

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Ash presses the car horn, rushing me to get out of the house.

"Give me a sec, moron!" I shouted at him, getting my things for basketball training.

"Bye Ava!" i close the front door, and walk to Ash's car.

"Thank you for driving me to school, Peter have been with Olivia way too much lately. And I need a new motorbike." I say, tying my hair up into a ponytail.

"Anything for my baby girl."

"I am not your girl, Parker." I muttered.

"Not yet, Evans."


"You know how much I want to take off your shirt?" Ash says in a low tone as he parked the car.

"Shut up, Isaac."

"Cabin after school?" He ask.

"Sorry, basketball training."

"How about tomorrow?" He raises his eyebrows, "sure." i simply shrug.


"Chelsea Drew Evans." Owen call out, I mentally roll my eyes.

"You will be standing beside me in the photo." He says.

We're taking team photos, and I will be standing at the back and in the middle with Owen.

On my left will be Noah, the arrangement is kinda of great.

"Ok, ready... One, two, three." We all smiled as the flash went off.

"Ok, next fun shot. You all are free to move around." The photographer says.

We put our arms around each other shoulders and grin widely.


"Whoop!" Owen throws in a three pointer, "beat that." He looks over at me.

"Half court, bitch." I grab the ball and move back.

"You insane son of a gun." Noah laughs as I threw the ball. The ball spirals down the hoop, "kiss my ass, Collin!"

"Full court." Noah says, running to the other end.

"Oh you wouldn't make it." Owen says.

"Have some faith in me." Noah frowns, dribbling the ball.

He then throws high up in the gym, it hits the headboard and hits Owen's head.

"Drew!" I turn to the door, "what is it, Peter?"

"Where's Ava?"

"Home, why?" I ask.

"Huh... I might be in trouble."

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I spray painted the principal's car, mistaking it as Ash's."

I put my hand to my forehead, "why did you do that?"

"Because he's going to prom with you and I love my sister."

I let out a sigh, "what else did you do?"

"Not really that much, I poked her tires... And then wrote on her trunk, Fuck You with two exclamation marks."

"You're going to get expelled." I simply say and walk away from him.

"And maybe go back to Aunt's house." I say, picking up my duffel bag.

"I will see you in the principal's office tomorrow." I sarcastically say and walk out with him.

"Let's have a little brother sister time." i say, leading him to the car park.

"Drive me home." I look him dead in the eye.

"Ok so, you missed your bloody birthday because you were in coma. Your presents are with me. First, I thought I was actually getting some presents this year but boy, was I wrong." I got into the passenger seat.

"And, you're excused from your stupid soccer team."

"It's not stupid." Peter glares at me.

"People keep calling you Evan Peters in your bloody Get Well Soon cards." I continued.

"I don't understand why, you don't even look as great as him." I muttered.

"I can hear you, Chelsea." He say through his gritted teeth.

"Don't call me that."

"Oh yeah, I need to talk to you about something." Peter says.

"About Nathan."

"Nathaniel fucking Anderson." Peter stops the car at the red light.

"He's with this girl, right? Well, he has been fucking around alright. All you say about him, oh he's nice-"

"But you liked him..."

"Yes, I liked and you loved."

"What's the point of this conversation?" I look at him.

"I hate him."

- Next Day

"I did none of those with Ash." I snap at Peter.

"But you did spray painted Ms Seinfeld's car!"

"Quiet down!" Ms Seinfeld shouted at us.

"Ok i know that you would not do this kind of thing, Drew." She says in a calm tone.

"And Peter, you gotta behave this few days. The discipline teacher will be looking out for you."

"Haven't him always?" Peter's arch his right brow at her.

I nodded in agreement, "Peter, you can achieve a scholarship to Indiana University."

His eyes widen, "they have won four NCAA championships!"

I look at them with the word confused written all over my face.

"Seattle University and University of California."

"Congrats." I say to Peter, "I will be on or best behavior Ms Seinfeld, I promise." Peter states.

"You have detention for two weeks, now get out."


"My brother can get scholarships, and I, I am nothing." I muttered.

"Don't say that, Chelsea." A smirk crept onto Noah's face.

"Maybe I will just go community college, at least that's something." I mumbled.

"So you're gonna stay in this town?" Owen raises his eyebrows.


"Heart set on it?" Edwin ask.


"We will see you in summer break next year." Owen says.

"I will be right on the basketball court for all of your return."

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