Alex Argent is the brother of Allison. Unlike his family, Alex was the tallest of all of them, standing at 6'3" as he towered over everyone. And with his hulking physique, he was stronger than most people. He was the youngest and strongest hunter th...
As the car pulled up to her new house, Allison Argent looked through the window at the new house somberly before getting out of the vehicle and closing her door. Her mom and dad got out and walked to the front door, and used their new key to open it as they walked in.
"Hey, grab a bag," her brother said as he passed by her carrying four suitcases.
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This was Alex Argent, her giant of a brother. She never understood how she was related to him since he towered over the whole family, standing at 6' 3." He was also very muscular and had a ripped physique. While most people would assume he was a jock and a jerk, he wasn't. Alex was a quiet person and a bit of a nerd, always reading, and if he wasn't reading, he was working out.
"Show off," she called out as he walked through the door. She then went to the trunk and grabbed the last bag before closing it. The rest of their stuff would arrive tomorrow in a moving truck.
Walking inside, she looked around her house before going up the stairs to pick out her room. She found her suitcase in the first room on the right, with a window facing the street. In the room directly across the hall from hers was her brother's, which had a window facing the woods behind them. She smiled, knowing Alex had put her stuff in this room cause he knew she would pick this room for the view.
"Dibs on the shower," Alex said, walking by with only jeans, showing off his ripped, muscular body.
Allison groaned in annoyance before she began to unpack her suitcase. While unpacking, she thought about her and Alex's first day at Beacon Hills Highschool, which started the next day. She thought about her previous schools and hoped she could make friends here.
She then thought about her brother and his prior experience in high school. Alex was a quiet and gentle person, but for some reason, trouble always seemed to find him, which led to him getting into a lot of fights, not that anyone could beat him as he walked away from every fight with barely a scratch on him. She hoped this time around that he'd get into fewer fights and be able to enjoy high school like a normal person.
The next day, Alex and Allison were sitting outside Beacon Hills High School as they waited for the vice principal to show them to their first class and give them their schedule. Allison had picked out her outfit with care and spent so much time that she barely had time to pack her school stuff as she was now rummaging through her bag while talking to their mom on the phone.
Alex didn't spend any time planning his clothes. Instead, he wore a simple black shirt, jeans, and boots. The shirt did nothing to hide his muscles as it fit him nicely. He also only brought a simple backpack with the bare minimum he needed.
Sitting there quietly as he stared into the woods, Alex tuned out Allison's conversation with his mom before taking notice of the vice principal walking up to them. Allison stood up and shook his hand immediately as Alex stood up, towering over the vice principal, who looked up at him with scrutiny.