Shape Shifted

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"Normal Speaking"

"Supernatural Hearing"


"Phone Call/Radio"


Tonight was the full moon, and Alex was worried, wondering what would happen to him when the moon came out. Stiles and Scott must have been thinking the same thing since they were waiting for him when he arrived for early morning practice before school.

"Do you have a plan?" Stiles asked as they walked toward the school.

"Yeah, one of you is gonna chain me up," Alex stated obviously as Stiles looked at him expectantly before throwing his hands up dramatically.

"That's it? Chain you up?" Stiles exclaimed as Alex pushed through the doors with Stiles and Scott on either side.

"Do you have a better idea?" Alex asked sarcastically as Stiles opened his mouth to say something. He stopped, closed his mouth, and looked straight ahead.

"No. No, I don't," he admitted.

"But where are we gonna do this?" Scott asked, getting both boys to look at him as he avoided bumping into a random person.

"I obviously can't do it at home unless I want my family to find out," Alex replied sarcastically as he continued before being interrupted by Stiles.

"Yeah, 'cause then they'd disown and torture you before finally killing you," he said as Alex and Scott stopped. They both gave Stiles looks that told him to shut up or he'd get hurt, as Stiles looked at them apologetically.

"Sorry," Stiles apologized as they continued to make their way through the school. 

"The woods might be a little risky, but I think I found a spot hunters aren't patrolling," Alex told them as Stiles seemed to be thinking before clapping his hands, getting their attention as he pointed at them.

"The tunnel underneath the Hale House. Where they were holding Derek," Stiles suggested as Alex shook his head.

"No, that won't work. My family's got the entire area around the Hale House under watch," he told them as Stiles groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Okay, we'll figure something out later. In the meantime, Scott, I'll swing by your house to lock you up," Stiles said, looking at his best friend as Scott didn't seem too worried about it.

"I think I'm good, man," Scott said, somewhat happy with a cheerful smile as Alex and Stiles looked at him with the 'Are you serious?' deadpan, sarcastic looks before walking ahead, leaving Scott.

"Hey, wait up," Scott said as he ran to catch up with them as they turned down the hallway to the locker rooms.

"I'm serious. It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same," Scott told them, walking alongside Stiles.

"Does that include the urge to maim and kill people like me?" Stiles asked in an almost sarcastic tone as they entered the locker room.

"I swear I don't have the urge to maim and kill you," Scott told him, following right behind Stiles as Alex followed them.

"You know, you say that now, but then the full moon goes up, and out come the fangs and claws, and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay? And it's very stressful on me, so yes, I'm still locking you up. Both of you," Stiles ranted as they walked to his locker. Stiles stood in front of his locker, Scott leaned on the side next to it, and Alex stood over Stiles's left shoulder.

"Okay, fine. But I do think I'm in more control now. Especially since things are good with Allison," Scott added as Alex gave him a dead stare.

"Okay, we're aware of how good things are with Allison," Stiles replied deadpan.

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