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"Normal Speech"


"Phone/Radio call"


Everyone at the game was cheering as the players celebrated for winning the quarterfinals, which meant they were going to state. But while Alex was super excited about the win, scoring many of the goals himself along with getting several good hits on the other team, now was not the time for him to celebrate.

"Stiles! Stiles! Has anyone seen Stiles!" he heard Scott call out as the team returned to the locker room.

Alex watched as Scott and Allison bumped into each other. The two stood there, staring awkwardly at each other as players around them chanted.

"You were pretty awesome out there," Allison said as Scott smiled.

"Thanks. You, too," Scott said, getting Alex to shake his head while Allison looked confused by what Scott meant.

"I mean, that's not what I meant," Scott corrected himself.

"No, no, I did some pretty awesome cheering. You can thank me," Allison joked.

"You did?" Scott asked with a smile.

"Totally, I went from 'Go, team, go' to 'Defense, defense' without a breath. I brought my A-game," she joked.

"State! State! State! State! State! State!" one of the players chanted, coming between the two as Allison walked away from Scott, who glared at the player, making him whimper and leave while continuing to chant.

Allison walked over to Alex, and the two hugged her, congratulating him before they broke apart as Chris approached his son, smiling as he hugged Alex.

"I'm proud of you, son," Chris said aloud before lowering his voice to a whisper.

"I think I found your beta candidate. Good job," he whispered before pulling back as Alex put on a smile for his dad.

"Thanks, Dad. Just did my best," he said as Chris nodded before leaving with Allison.

Alex then turned and walked over to Scott, who Jackson was standing with.

"Oh, isn't that just heartbreaking? Gosh, I bet it causes a lot of sleepless nights," Jackson mocked smugly as Alex stopped in front of him, glaring down at the co-captain, who remained confident in his standing.

"You know what, though, McCall? I actually sympathize, which is why I'm gonna make this mutually beneficial. You give me what I want, and I'll help you get her back," Jackson said, confusing the two of them.

"What?" Scott and Alex questioned.

"Well, three days makes it just in time for the winter formal. Uh, think about you taking her instead of me. And also think about all the things you're able to do to get her out of some tight little dress by the end of the night. See how this could work out for everybody?" Jackson questioned in a veiled, threatening tone.

"Everybody except you," Alex said as Jackson looked at him smugly.

"Oh? And what makes you say that, dumbass? Have you not caught up to the fact I hold all the cards?" Jackson mocked as Alex chuckled grimly with a smile.

"You know it's funny how you think I won't hunt your ass down after you get bit," Alex said as Jackson's smug look cracked slightly.

"I'm only helping Scott because he's a good guy trying to do the right thing and never wanted this in the first place. You, on the other hand, aren't a good guy in the slightest. You're a dick. And you want the bite so you can become a werewolf and gain more power. Which makes you a power-hungry-egotistical-dick, and those are the kind of werewolves I fight and kill barehanded. So, let me put this in perspective for you, dick," Alex said menacingly, emphasizing certain words as he stepped closer to Jackson, looming over him as Jackson looked nervous and angry at the same time.

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