chapter 24

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"You have no clue what i am about to go through, my mum is going to tear me a new exhaust pipe when he gets here." Sideswipe says nervously as he paced around the junkyard. Starscream had been watching him do this for nearly two hours before finally getting up. "Sideswipe your mother isn't going to do that. He's just worried about you. From what I've heard from the others he has reason to worry." "What!? What are you talking about? I'm a great son!" "You constantly cause vandalism through Cybertron, you have trashed historic museums and your friends list back home isn't exactly great." Starscream says looking at him as Steeljaw came bounding over. Sideswipe sighed. "Maybe you're right, I haven't been the best...." "But you can be better. It's never too late to turn your life around." Starscream cooed taking his hands gently into his.

A few hours later as Megatron was looking for Starscream he smiled seeing him sit in the middle of the floor covered in birds. He was glad to see the seeker was finally becoming his old self again ever since the incident. He watched him for a moment before seeing markings in the ground:

- .... . / --- .-.. -.. / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / -- ..- ... - / -... ..- .-. -. / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / -. . .-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / - --- / -... . / -... --- .-. -. --..-- / ... --- / ... .- -.-- ... / - .... . / ..-. .-.. --- .-- . .-.

He raised a brow and tried to get a closer look only for a bird to land on it messing up the dirt making it unreadable. He shook it off thinking it as nothing more than absentminded drawings in the sand. He sat with Starscream making the seeker coo. "Papa, the birds have been quite chatty today." "Oh? What have they been talking about this time?" Megatron cooed in amusement before freezing up when Starscream said. "Well the bluebirds said they saw a metal bird roaming around, the finches are staying for a bit as a kid knocked their nest out of a tree by accident and another Finch said they saw one man push another man off a building." "Starscream......have you been leaving the base again?" "No papa, not after what happened. The birds are my eyes now." "So you can actually understand them.....?" "Of course papa!" He chirped innocently as Megatron held him close. "Starscream......maybe try to keep death out of your news ok? We have had enough bad news for a while haven't we?" "Ok papa. I'll let them know."

"Alright it's time for patrol, Grimlock are you coming or not?" Bumblebee says turning the corner before seeing Grimlock was in a large metal container being given a bath along with Steeljaw and a very pissed off Thunderhoof. "I'm tellin' ya i didn't bring the fragging mites!" "No one is blaming anyone, This has to be done before everyone gets infected." Steeljaw sighed as all three were covered in soap bubbles. Bumblebee couldn't help but burst out laughing making Steeljaw show him the middle finger. "Shut up! We're forced to do this...." "We have mites!" Grimlock blurted out just as Strongarm came over. "Ewww! You have mites!? Gross!" "We're taking care of the issue!" Steeljaw snapped. "Unfortunately you can't avoid it being an animal type bot. It's just apart of life." He says as Thunderhoof grunted. "It's one of the downsides of being an Animal-con, everything else wants a taste of ya." He says before blushing darkly when Steeljaw grabbed him under the water. "G-get off me ya mutt!"He says as his face was almost as blue as his armor. Sideswipe soon came back with a hose and blasted the three with water to wash off the soap and the now dead mites. "There we go. That should do it." "Heh thanks kid, that was helpful....." Steeljaw says before shaking off the water getting it all over everyone else. "Hey!" Strongarm yelped before letting out a scream at the dead mites and waved her arm around frantically. "Get it off! This is disgusting!" She says before getting blasted by water while Bumblebee tried desperately not to laugh at the situation.  Steeljaw was helping Thunderhoof get dry as his antlers were the worse to try and dry by himself. "It's ok i got ya, i always got ya." "Yeah yeah i know......" Thunderhoof sighed blushing when Steeljaw kissed his cheek. "Chin up love, after all we'll be bringing a beautiful baby into all this." "Yeah, i  guess so...."

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