chapter 23

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Starscream woke up in his birth. Blankets delicately lied over his body. He slowly sat up and stretched his arms and new wings. He looked at them and frowned. They will always be a constant reminder of what he is, what he'll always be. He shook the memories and went to get dressed. It felt like years since he wore fresh clothes. He looked at his hands and saw the horrible dragon claws. He held his arms close to himself as he walked out of the room and left the command ship. "Good morning Starscream. Sleep well?" Fix-it asked as he saw Starscream. "Yeah....i guess." Starscream muttered and went to find Megatron who was tending to Steve.

When Megatron saw Starscream he smiled widely. "Starscream! Oh my precious seeker!" He said going to him and gently hugged him. Starscream smiled in his arms feeling safe. "Dad. I was so afraid that you would never come. But you did! You came for me!" He said as tears flowed down his face. Megatron held him close. "Of course i came for you. I always will. No matter what happens. Not even Unicron can stop me from getting to you." Starscream smiled and snuggled into his hold.

Steve inwardly smiled as he stroked his blue wings and looked at Starscream's magnificent red wings. Unlike Starscream Steve believed the wings were a gift that were given in the wrong circumstances. Although he had been an experiment since birth, so he had to look for the positives in life to make it and stay sane.

Sideswipe was trying to work the communicator. He was trying to make a call to Cybertron for the millionth time since he got on Earth. "Come on! Connect! Connect!" He said but there was no use. The equipment wasn't strong enough to reach out so far yet. He banged his fist against the controls and growled before walking away. "Damn machine! My parents must be worried sick!" He snapped and pushed past Strongarm. "Wow! What's going on here!?" "None of your business!" Sideswipe snapped as he walked away. He saw Starscream sitting down with his wings down and was tinkering with the satellite dish. He sat down as Starscream's smile brightened. "Done!" He said and got up. Sideswipe raised a brow at him before following him. Starscream finished putting the satellite dish up and started playing around with the computer. "There. Try using it now." He said and Sideswipe blinked. Starscream backed away as Sideswipe started putting in the number. Moments later Knockout came on the screen as Sideswipe smiled. "Hi mu-" "SIDESWIPE WHERE IN THE ALLSPARK ARE YOU!? YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOR MONTHS AND HAVEN'T CALLED ONCE UNTIL NOW!" Knockout screamed into the mic making Sideswipe chuckle. "Mum I'm fine I'm with Bee." He said explaining everything that had happened. Strongarm and Grimlock watched with shock as the others laughed in amusement. "Classic Knockout." Bee laughed. "Yeah. The old worry wart." Arcee laughed. "I HEARD THAT!" "Baby doll calm down! Our sweet little Sugarwipe is perfectly safe with Bee." Breakdown's voice said making Sideswipe blush hard as Strongarm laughed hard. "D-dad. Can you please refrain from calling me that?" "Why? You've always been our sweet little spark." "Yeah but I'm an adult now dad. I can't just be randomly called that name like it was when i was a kid." Sideswipe said as his face was as red as a rose. Knockout noticed Sideswipe sleeping on a pile of old mattresses and smiled. "Is that Steeljaw? I haven't seen him since he graduated puppy school." He said as the ex-decepticons snickered at him making him groan. "Alright I'll call you back later mum." Sideswipe said quickly. "Be safe my little Sugarwipe!" Knockout said before the screen turned off.

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