chapter 9

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Shockwave entered the room and dropped his clipboard in shock, the tube the female Predicon was in was broken. He activated his com. ::Lord Megatron the Predicon has escaped. I'm afraid it may be searching for Starscream.:: ::why would it be looking for Starscream!?:: ::i believe it may be because Starscream is a sparkling and Predicons usually look after abandoned sparklings when in adolescents and have no mate to make their own.:: Shockwave explained and heard a thump. ::what was that?:: ::i had the com on speaker, Arcee is laughing her head off. I'm going to check on Starscream, you get to finding the. ......:: ::Lord Megatron their's a pink Predicon trying to get into the control room. We're holding it off the best we can but it's too strong.:: A vehicon said through the com and both Megatron and Shockwave hung up and went to see what was happening. Megatron reached the control room and nearly had a spark attack seeing the bashed down door. As he neared the door and feared the worse he heard giggling coming from inside. He looked inside and sighed with relief seeing the Predicon giving Starscream a bath with her tounge. "Stop it! I just had a bath last night!" Starscream giggled then saw Megatron and wriggled away from the Predicon and ran to Megatron. "Daddy! Daddy have you met Lara? She's really nice, she said she wants to be my mummy." Starscream said snuggling into Megatron's leg, the pink Predicon gave a deep growl and was about to retrieve Starscream when Shockwave followed by Prediking came into the room. The female looked at Prediking and felt her spark beat faster seeing only him. Prediking ignored the female and picked up Starscream as Megatron cooed to the seeker who was getting frightened because he could sence everyone's fear. The female snuck over and nuzzeled Starscream's face helping calm the seeker. "Back off Predicon, this is my son!" Megatron growled and they ended up in a heated argument, Prediking ended up taking Starscream away from them. He took Starscream outside and found a smiling Optimus Prime on the flight deck. "Hello Optimus, what's the good news?" Prediking asked and Optimus hugged him and Starscream. "I have the greatest news! I'm with Spark!" He said happily and Prediking smiled broadly. "Congratulations Optimus. Maybe soon your sparkling and Starscream will have play dates sometimes." Prediking said and heard a low growl. He looked behind him and found the female Predicon with Megatron behind her. "I am his father, i promised him that I'd be the one to raise him." Megatron said and the female Predicon transformed into her alt mode and glared daggers at Megatron. "And yet i sence a deep depression in his spark that could've only been made by being abandoned." She hissed. "Well i love him with all my spark, I would never abandon him." Megatron hissed back looking the Predicon in the eye. "Please stop fighting. I just want daddy to be happy." Starscream said and the two looked at Starscream. "Starscream you shouldn't be worried about my happiness, I'm worried about you." Megatron said. He took Starscream into his arms and Prediking walked over to the female Predicon. "So your name is Lara? I'm Prediking." He said extending a hand to her and she took it. "Yes. Is the sparkling truly happy here? He stinks of sadness." "He's fine, he gets nothing but love here." "But can't you smell it? It's disgusting!" She said and Megatron rolled his eyes. "That may be because Starscream just had an accident. Come on Starscream let's clean you up." He said to the seeker kissing his cheek. Lara looked at Prediking knowing that she wasn't going to win the argument. "So where do you live?" "I live in a cave not far from here. Come with me and I'll show you." He said transforming into his Predicon form and started flying off hearing her transform as well.

Megatron kissed Starscream's cheek again after changing him. "That Lara isn't taking you from me. You're my sparkling and i know what's best for you." He said and smiled as Starscream nodded. "I love you daddy. I love you this much." He said throwing his arms open as wide as he could. Megatron smiled and picked him up and hugged him with a chuckle. "I love you more."


Starscream squealed with fear as the storm started later that afternoon, it was rare for a storm to happen in Jasper Nevada but when it did their was no mercy. The thunder was as loud as elephants trumpeting, lighting was as bright as the sun and the clouds made the sky as black as night. Starscream raced into the throne room as Megatron was fixing a monitor, he jumped into Megatron's arms sobbing his words in the ex-warlord's ears. "Shh shh Starscream, it's alright. It's just a storm, it'll pass soon." Megatron cooed to his sobbing sparkling and saw Soundwave from one of the monitors boarding up the doors and windows of the Nemesis, a huge storm warning on his visor. "Starscream we need to head to our quaters, you can sleep in my birth if you're too scared to sleep in your own." Megatron said just as softly as before and felt his spark break a little seeing Starscream shake with fear as he sniffed and nodded. When they were in their quaters he played gentle music for Starscream and sang to him to ease his fears (song above). Soon his sparling's eyes began to close and felt so safe in his father's arms that even as the thunder and lighting clashed outside it sounded a million miles away. Megatron smiled, he didn't have the softest voice for singing but if it helped Starscream feel better then he was more than happy to sing for him. As he tucked him into his birth by his side he remembered what Starscream was like before all this had happened, the seeker was annoying and seemingly spoilt according to his behavior. He always had told himself that if he ever had to raise a sparkling he'd spoil him a little but he or she would have to earn it. Starscream was definitely earning the love and spoils he earns but that doesn't mean he will get what he wants all the time that's for sure. Giving Starscream a little peck on the cheek as he slept he began to wounder what kind of mech Starscream will become when he's grown, that's when it smacked him in the face. Starscream was only ten months away from the second most important tradition a seeker's life, the choosing of the future tradition. He himself had never gone through this tradition because he wasn't with his parents long enough to be apart of it, it wasn't until he had become a gladiator and had visited a friend that he had even heard of his people's traditions. He looked at Starscream with a smile seeing him turn and chirp happily in his sleep even as the storm raged on outside. He held Starscream's small form close to his chest as he himself began to drift off into slumber.

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