chapter 7

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Starscream was sitting in his high chair as Megatron fed him. Bulkhead looked with curiosity as Shockwave told them how Starscream turned into a sparkling. After his feeding Wheeljack made faces at him making Starscream laugh so hard whatever energon don't go into his stomach went out his nose. Megatron smiled and wiped Starscream's face and picked him up. Optimus smiled. "I never thought you of all mechs would have a strong parenting program." He chuckled. Megatron smiled at Optimus. "Well after i was taken from my parents i guess i want to give a better life to a sparkling who really needs it." He said with a smile. Starscream giggled in his arms, his small crimson red eyes were filled with wounder and happiness.

Starscream was playing in the fenced area with Prediking as Megatron and Soundwave landed the Nemesis next to the Autobots base. Prediking turned into his Predicon mode and wrapped himself around Starscream to protect him in case something goes wrong, Starscream thought it was a game and started to brush his scales with the scale brush Megatron had given him earlier putting him in charge of 'cleaning' Prediking. Prediking purred and wrapped his tail around the little ones waist. "You're the best Predicon ever Prediking!" Starscream said hugging him making him smile. "I'm the only Predicon you know." Prediking said with a laugh and felt the Nemesis lower. "Hold onto me Starscream. Just in case." Prediking said holding him tightly and Starscream hugged tightly back.

When the ship landed next to the base Megatron went to check on Starscream and Prediking. Starscream was asleep with his claws in Prediking's side making Prediking whine. Megatron smiled and gently pulled his claws away one by one making Prediking yelp a little as he picked out each claw then picked the tiny form up. "Was he a good boy?" Megatron whispered. Prediking nodded and transformed back into his alt mode. "He was a little angel." He said smiling and petted Starscream's little wings making him purr the most adorable purr. Optimus climbed aboard the ship once he believed it safe to do so and smiled seeing the sleeping seeker. Megatron looked at Optimus and tried to smile. "He's fast asleep." Megatron said and began walking inside to Starscream's little room. Optimus followed behind and watched the movements of the warlord, he wanted to be friends again with the warlord like old times. He tried making small talk to break the ice. "Megatron. long has Starscream been like this? As a sparkling i mean." Optimus asked as Megatron tucked Starscream into bed. "A year and six months." Megatron replied and kissed Starscream's cheek before they exit the room. Optimus looked at Megatron wide eyed. "Surely there'd be a cure by now." He said and Megatron tried not to look offended. The idea that Optimus doubted his top scientists Soundwave and Shockwave so much to even ask that question. "There is......i just don't want him to have it. I have grown to love Starscream. He's become everything to me." He said trying not to raise his voice. They walked to the bridge and they both smiled as the Autobots and Decepticons attempted to mingle. Soundwave put up a monitor from Starscream's half of the room so that they could keep an eye on him. The children were put on a control panel so they weren't on the ground and vonerable to the large mechs and femmes. Megatron felt happy that the war was over, his sparkling was now safe from the war and he didn't have to destroy his best friend to win said war.

Starscream woke up a few hours later with a smile on his face. Megatron entered the room to check on him and smiled broadly at the sparkling. "Good afternoon Starscream. How're you feeling?" He asked watching his sparkling's tiny form tumble out of bed and ran over to him. "I feel great! Did you land the ship? Did Soundwave help you?" Starscream asked excitedly making the warlord smile. "Yes i did land the ship. I especially got help from Soundwave. It would've been very hard if i did it on my own." Megatron said holding Starscream's tiny hands. He smiled seeing the pure innocence, love and admiration towards him.

Megatron let the Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Arcee and the children take Starscream out of the Nemesis. The young seeker was desperate to explore the great big world around him. The seeker stayed close to Bumblebee who seemed to be the nicest one. Bumblebe picked a flower and showed it to the sparkling. Miko pointed at it. "This is a flower Starscream." She said smiling as Starscream cautiously touched the flower then giggled and grabbed the flower. "Pretty!" He said happily and smelled it. "Smells her!" He said looking up at a now stunned Arcee with innocent eyes. "Thanks. .....i guess." Arcee said turning her back on the sparkling who looked confused before he felt a horrible itching on his hands but he didn't want to scratch. His bottom lip quivered and he began to cry. Everyone jumped back in panic not knowing what was happening, as if on cue Wheeljack appeared from a ground bridge. "Hey guys, Megatron wanted me to check on you guys. ......what's up with the little tike here?" He asked and picked him up. He looked him over and frowned. "Looks like he's touched something that doesn't agree with his skin." He said showing them a rash on both his little hands. "Looks like he's allergic to Daisies." Raf said picking up the Daisy Starscream had dropped during the crying. They walked through the still open ground bridge and headed to the Nemesis medical bay. Knockout looked his rash over and gave Starscream a warm smile. "Ok Starscream. I'm just going to put an ointment on your hands to make them feel better." He said and went to get the ointment. Once he had rubbed the ointment in Ratchet looked him over again to make sure his respiratory system hadn't been effected. When both doctor's gave the a-ok Wheeljack picked him up and gave him to Arcee. "Why me?" Arcee growled and held the sparkling anyway. "I gotta tell Megatron about what happened and the others are on a scavenger mission. You're on sparkling-sitter duty." He said and left before she could argue.

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