chapter 2

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Megatron was sitting on his throne watching Starscream when all of a sudden the Sparkling began screaming in hunger. Megatron panicked a little but instinctively went to get the Sparkling some energon, he filled up a bottle and gave it to Starscream. "You satisfied now?" Megatron asked but smiled happily at the seeker. When he was done the Sparkling looked up at him with a smile. "Dada!" He said smiling. Megatron's spark melted. Starscream believed he was his father. He looked around before saying. "Don't worry Starscream. I'll make sure you get the family you deserve." He said smiling. Little did he know that Prediking had heard this. 'You better make sure he turns out right.' He thought and slunk away to his lair to keep his distance from the sparkling. Megatron rocked Starscream in his arms to help him fall asleep. He started woundering what his own parents would've done for him if they were with him from the beginning. He looked into the Sparklings eyes and smiled as Starscream yawned and snuggled up close to him falling asleep. Megatron smiled and took him to his quaters. Soundwave had already set up a cot there for him. Megatron gently put Starscream in the cot. He noticed a sparkling monitor. 'I'll bet there's one in the Throne room too.' He thought. He left Starscream to sleep and as he sat on his throne he noticed the second half of the Sparkling monitor system. He smiled and began reading the reports.

~Two hours later.~
Starscream woke up and tried to stand up using the rail for support. "Dada! Dada!" He called out. When no answer came he began to cry. He thought he was abandoned again. Megatron heard the crying through the monitor and raced over to sort it out. He walked in carefully to a lighly smiling Starscream. "Dada?" He asked with a sob in his tone. "Yes my Starscream. I'm right here." He said picking the Sparkling up. "Dada no leave." Starscream whimpered and held onto Megatron's chest as if in fear that if he let go Megatron will leave him forever. The warlord shed a tear for Starscream and held his small form tightly. "Oh Starscream. I'll never leave you. I love you." The last sentence slipped out of him. He didn't know where that came from yet it didn't feel like it was something he would take back any time soon. Starscream smiled and hugged Megatron's big chest. "You're going to be a lot of work." Megatron said smiling. He took him to Knockout for a check up. "My lord. So it's true.....Starscream's clock has been turned back." Knockout said with a chuckle seeing Starscream in Megatron's arms. Starscream looked in awe at Knockout's paint job. "Shiny." Starscream said under his breath. "Knockout i need Starscream to have his shots. I don't want him getting sick." Megatron said. Starscream looked up at him in worry. He'd never had shots before. Knockout grinned and got out the needle making Starscream's eyes widen and climb up Megatron's arm. The warlord patted his back to calm the Sparkling. "Maybe use a smaller needle Knockout. That thing looks as big as him!" Megatron scowled. Knockout mentally rolled his eyes and switched the needle to a butterfly needle. He put the needle in Starscream's arm and the Sparkling whined. Megatron was suddenly very protective of Starscream and as soon as the needle was out he held Starscream close. Knockout put a cotton ball and tape on the mark. "Thank you Knockout." He said and took him to his quaters. "Are you alright?" He asked looking into Starscream's eyes. Starscream scratched his arm and Megatron took his hand away. "Don't scratch it. It'll just make it worse." Megatron said gently. Starscream nodded and hugged his adoptive fathers hand. "I wove wou dada." He said smiling. Megatron smiled and kissed the Sparkling. He is so different than when he was grown. He gave Starscream a bottle and watched as his small eyes slowly and gently closed. "Rest now Starscream. The more you sleep, the quicker you'll grow." He whispered and took the bottle away and gave him a gentle kiss. Starscream giggled in his sleep as Megatron placed him into the cot. He sat on his birth and started making strategy plans.

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