chapter 5

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It had been a year now since Starscream was turned into a sparkling. Shockwave had made a cure but Megatron refused for Starscream to have it. A year ago he would've gladly given Starscream the cure but he wants to raise Starscream like his own. Shockwave could understand why Megatron refused. Starscream had a rough childhood, it was probably best if Starscream's history was re-written. Megatron had built a fence around half the flight deck. He didn't want Starscream to fall down or attempt flight early. Starscream looked at the gate as Megatron put in the last bolt. "There we go Starscream. Now you'll be safe." He said and smiled at Starscream. "I wove wou dada." He said hugging Megatron's hand. "I love you too Starscream." Megatron said and hugged him. He took him to the play room and stood him at the wall. Starscream had gotten a little skinnier since he started walking. Megatron put a line where the top of Starscream head was, Starscream looked at the line then at Megatron. "Look how tall you've grown! A full inch!" Megatron said happily making Starscream smile. Starscream walked around and pretended to be a giant. Megatron went along with the game and pretended to be over taken by Starscream. The sparkling giggled and hugged Megatron as the two laughed. After they played Megatron took Starscream to have his nap. "Hey Starscream. old are you?" Megatron asked to see if the sparkling knew. "Thwee." Starscream said holding up two fingers. He had just had his birthday yesterday. He was extremely excited on his birthday and got lots of attention. Megatron laughed and gently pulled up a third finger for Starscream correcting him. Starscream giggled and snuggled into the towering mech.

Optimus looked at the screens. He was curious as to why the Decepticons weren't as active as they usually were. "What're they up to?" He muttered to himself. Ratchet walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't stress too much. Why don't you come to bed?" Ratchet asked giving Optimus's shoulder a kiss. "Alright Ratchet. I'll come to bed." Optimus said smiling at his spark mate. "Maybe this time we could be with spark."


Megatron was walking in the caged area of the flight deck with Starscream holding his hand. Prediking in his alt mode was walking on the other side of the fence. "Lovely afternoon for a walk?" He asked Starscream. The seeker nodded and went to hold his hand but then remembered the fence. He retracted his hand and just smiled. Megatron laughed a little and they continued their walk. Starscream loved the walks with Megatron. He loved how the wind felt on his wings. "Dad will i fly one day?" Starscream asked looking up at Megatron. "One day Starscream. But you must wait until you're older." Megatron said gently. Starscream nodded and looked forward to the sun. He woundered what Earth looked like. The vehicons would tell him stories about Earth but Starscream wanted to see the world for himself. "Dad can you take me to the surface one day? All I've ever seen is the sky and the clouds." Starscream said looking through the fence to try and see the ground but it was no use. "Maybe one day when scouting for energon I'll take you along." Megatron said smiling. Starscream was pleased with this and hugged Megatron's arm. As Megatron took Starscream inside the little seeker looked around for arachnid. "I told you before Starscream. Arachnid was banished for what she did to my army." Megatron said knowing exactly what question the seeker was about to ask. Starscream nodded and tried keeping in stride with the big mech. He wanted to be in sync with him but his tiny legs took three steps to cover his large strides.

Megatron chuckled watching the seeker, it was amazing how this seeker was trying so hard to be just like him. He even cut out holes in a bucket and put it on his head and drew lines on his face to look like the warlord. It was quite funny when Megatron and Soundwave walked in on Starscream just as he was drawing on he logo. He had to have a long bath after that.

Soundwave was just finishing making the bed for Starscream, Megatron thought he was old enough to sleep in a big bed. Megatron put a rail up so that Starscream won't hurt himself if he fell. Steve was helping his mother with collecting the laundry when they entered the Megatron's and Starscream's quaters. "Hi Starscream. How are you?" Steve asked and Starscream blushed a little. "I'm doing fine. I'm getting a big boy bed!" He said smiling. "That's great. I like your claws. They suit you." Steve said looking at Starscream's claws making the seeker blush more. "Thanks. Your armor looks really nice." This made Steve blush. "Thanks....Knockout helped me to buff it." Megatron and Steve's mother watched them at a distance. "Ah young love." Megatron said smiling. The mother just stayed silent and did her job disappointed that her son wasn't following. "So what job are you doing now?" Starscream asked. Steve smiled. "I'm collecting laundry. May i collect yours?" He asked. His face a little red. "Sure. Go ahead." Starscream said moving out of the way. Steve did his job and looked back in time to see Starscream wave goodbye, they smiled at each other and he left with his mother. Starscream looked up at Megatron and he gave her a smirk. "So you like Steve do you?" "No.....i just like him as a friend." Starscream said looking at the floor hiding his red face. "I know you like him. There's no shame in loving someone. I love you don't i?" He said smiling. Starscream looked up and returned the smile. "I guess i like him but I'm not sure if he likes me in the same way." He said wrapping his little arms around his leg. "You ask him when you're ready. Come on. Time for bed." Megatron said and picked the tiny seeker up and tucked him into bed. "I love you dad." Starscream said smiling. "I love you too Starscream." Megatron said and kissed his forehead before putting on Starscream's night light and leaving the room.

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