chapter 4

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It had been three months since Starscream was turned into a sparkling. Megatron smiled as he walked through the Nemesis with Starscream in a pram. Starscream squealed with joy as he played with a dangling toy on the pram. The vehicons would stop and play with Starscream a little. He was much more likeable as a sparkling. Today one of the vehicons who played with Starscream was a sparkling Vehicon named Steve. Megatron was in the med bay and Steve was placed with Starscream by his mother. "Play with him until I get back." The woman said before walking off. The two talked in sparkling dialect and laughed together. Starscream laughed, he'd never felt so happy. Megatron smiled at the two as Knockout checked him over. Starscream kicked around trying to get up. He was tired of lying down all the time, he wanted to walk around.

Megatron took Starscream into a play room he had made for him a month ago. He sat on the chair as Starscream played. Arachnid came into the room expecting it to still be her room. "What in the name of Primus has happened to my room!?" Arachnid asked i n shock. "You've been gone nearly a year. We all thought you were dead." Megatron said looking up from Starscream for a moment. "Dada!" Starscream called as he wobbled on his chubby legs. Megatron held his arms out. "That's it Starscream. You can do it." Megatron said smiling as Starscream let go of the toy and slowly wobbled over but fell halfway there. As Starscream cried from defeat Megatron scooped him up and looked at Arachnid. "Why did you call him Starscream? And where is that excuse of a seeker?" Arachnid asked and Megatron chuckled holding up Starscream. "You just answered your question." He said and Starscream tried to get back to Megatron. Arachnid snarled at Starscream making Starscream hiss back baring sharp teeth hidden under his gums. Arachnid jumped back with surprise and the sparkling hugged Megatron who just smiled. "I think you should leave." He said and Arachnid huffed.

Megatron carried the sleeping sparkling to his quaters. He had grown highly attached to Starscream, he felt like he now understood Starscream. Starscream on the other hand believed he finally had a father who loved him. But that night when he cried it was from a nightmare, not from hunger. Megatron rocked Starscream in his arms trying to sooth the sparkling. Starscream dreamed of when his parents abandoned him in a river. He held onto Megatron's chest tightly and his dream disappeared and his new good memories with Megatron was in his mind. One clear memory was of when he tried to walk to Megatron. Megatron was smiling with so much pride Starscream knew that he had to try again.

The next morning Megatron smiled seeing Starscream trying to stand with the rail as support. "Dada!" He said smiling at Megatron as he walked in. The big mech smiled and picked him up. "Are you going to try to walk again?" He asked after giving Starscream a little kiss. Starscream giggled and reached for Megatron as his stomach rumbles. The warlord smiled and took him to the rec center to feed him. He put Starscream in a high chair and got Starscream a bottle and himself a cube of energon. He sat with Starscream as Vehicons came around again to look at Starscream. "Isn't he adorable?" One said. "Look at his chubby little legs! So cute!" Another said and tickled Starscream. The sparkling giggled with joy from all the attention he was getting. Steve was brought over so they can play while Megatron drank his energon. When he was done Megatron gave him a little cuddled before taking him to his play room. Arachnid walked past and glared daggers at Megatron but he ignored her. Once in the room he closed the door and put Starscream down, he walked a little bit away before kneeling down. "Come on Starscream. I know you can do it." He said smiling. The sparkling nodded and let go of he toy he was using as support. He slowly wobbled on his chubby legs trying to walk when he saw Megatron's smile. The smile was enough to encourage him into walking faster. Before he knew it he landed in the arms of a very proud warlord. "See. I knew you could do it." He said with pride in his voice. Starscream smiled and squealed with happiness that his father was proud of his accomplishment. Megatron spent the day playing with Starscream with toy planes and cars.

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