Chapter 18

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Starscream woke up disoriented, he could feel something warm drip from his arms and legs. "Finally awake I see, good." A cube of energon was slid over to the seeker, he tried to see who the voice belonged to but it was too dark. "Drink up Starscream, I want you to be in full health when I finally take my revenge." "Why not just kill me now?" Starscream asked and saw two big purple eyes. "Because I don't want to kill you, I want to make you my slave." "I would never work for you!" Starscream hissed and tried to get up but a chain stopped him. "Not at the moment, but a half seeker like yourself can be persuaded quite easily." "I'm not half seeker, I'm a pure seeker." " they never told you, interesting." The voice chuckled and Starscream wanted to tear this person apart. "Tell me what?" He growled wanting answers but only getting more questions. "Oh you'll find out soon enough." He heard what sounded like a cell door closing and the laughter filled the room leaving Starscream in the dark.

"Why do you have a collar on?" Sideswipe asked Steeljaw as he lied in the sun. "Why do you have a hairdo that looks like you got shocked by lightning?" Steeljaw said looking up with only one eye. "Because it looks cool." Sideswipe snapped and was walking away when Steeljaw yelled. "You look like Strongarm has gotten pissed off with you way too many times and keep tazing  you." "Shut up!" Sideswipe yelled back and stomped over to the others. "Told ya he ain't in da mood." Thunderhoof said as he leaned against a shelf. "I miss Starscream." Airrazer said as he and Divebomb sat upside down near the control centre. "Yeah, he'd tell us stories and treat us like we were his kids." Divebomb said picking at his claws. Clampdown and Fracture just sat in silence, the Decepticons have been like this for days and it hasn't really been helping much. "So why does Steeljaw have a collar on now?" Grimlock asked Thunderhoof to strike up conversation as they waited for Bee and Strongarm. "Starscream made it for him, he did take it off every now and again but now, now he hasn't taken it off since Starscream got kidnapped." "Can't he just use his sense of smell to find Starscream?" Sideswipe asked and they heard heavy footsteps, much heavier than Grimlock's! They looked for the source and saw three figures with Bumblebee and Strongarm. "Guys, I'd like you all to meet Predaking, Megatron and Arcee." The two teams looked in both horror and shock, right in front of them were three of the strongest warriors during the war! "I hear Steeljaw is here, where is the rascal?" Megatron asked looking around, before Bumblebee could speak Steeljaw came around with a slumped back and avoided looking them in the eyes. Megatron petted Steeljaw. "It's alright Steeljaw, Bumblebee told us what happened. Don't worry, we'll get to Starscream before anything bad happens." Arcee walked to the entrance as Megatron and Predaking spoke with Bumblebee about strategies. "Starlight! Leave Lightning alone and come inside!" They heard Arcee yell and soon were met with a blue version of Megatron and a purple version of Arcee. "How is Lightning ever going to be a Mech when you are always coddling him mother?" Starlight growled as she put away her gun she was going to use for target practice. "You know very well Lightning wants to be a writer Starlight, he doesn't need to be violent." Megatron said pointing a long sharp finger at his daughter who just folded her arms and looked at the ground. "Yes father." She mumbled and spat at Steeljaw who didn't even flinch. "Wow, and i thought the 'big bad wolf' would be able to take care of himself." Starlight taunted and was met with a slap to the back of the head by Arcee. "You know very well how close Steeljaw and Starscream are, the poor thing has been put through enough torment without you adding to it." Arcee snapped. 

"So how're the twins settling in?" Bumblebee asked Megatron later in the day and watched as Strongarm was talking about her cadet training to Lightning and Starlight was sparing with Sideswipe. "This is the most fun ether of them have had on a trip." Megatron said and looked down to Bumblebee. "How's Steeljaw?" "Doing ok at the moment, at least he has stopped saying 'it's all my fault' over and over again." It was silent between the two until Megatron spoke up. "Before Starscream disappeared we had a test done to make sure he wasn't sick. When he disappeared we got the results back." "What were the results?" Megatron hesitated for a moment before saying. "Let's just say if Arachnid get's what she wants, the war will look like a bed time story for what's about to come." Bumblebee looked up at Megatron with wide eyes and saw the old warlord deep in thought. Bumblebee has seen him like this only once before, he knew what he was thinking. "It won't come to it Megatron, even if Arachnid gets what she wants there is always hope of saving Starscream." "I hope you're right." Megatron said before it went silent once more.

Starscream screamed as bolts of electricity ran up his body through the floor, Arachnid watched in sick amusement. She was confident that soon she'll be at the final stages of breaking the seeker, and when he is she'll make Megatron watch as she turns his precious seeker into a mindless beast that will do anything she wants. His sharp teeth had already pushed out his normal teeth as they littered the floor, it will only be a matte of time before the wings ether fall off or change shape. Arachnid smiled seeing the seeker in so much pain that she almost hoped it will never end, but work still needs to be done. She will break this seeker's spirit and make him her slave before the week is out. She tuned off the machine and listned as the seeker threw up energon and gasped in pain, she sent in another cube but Starscream ignored it. He didn't want her thinking that she was winning him over. I'll die before I serve you. He thought and his eyes widened seeing a door open. "I thought you might like some company." Arachnid said over the microphone and a body was thrown in, Starscream recognised him immediately. "Steve!?" "Starscream, thank Primus you're safe!" Steve cried and hugged the seeker tightly as he cried. "I thought I'd never see you again." Starscream sobbed and Steve cupped his face. "It's all going to be alright Starscream, we'll get out of this. She's been trying to break me but she hasn't succeeded yet." Steve said and Starscream saw that he was riddled with marks making him want to cry. "I just want to go home." He sobbed and Steve held Starscream's head to his chest and Arachnid laughed. "Don't you two know? You've been home this whole time, this is where it all started. And soon this will be where it all ends." Her laughter filled their heads as they held each other to try and comfort one another. Steeljaw, mum, dad, Bumblebee. Please save me form this crazy person. Starscream thought as Steve shifted so he was more comfortable. "Don't worry Starscream, I'll get you out of here. I promise." Steve said before Starscream fell asleep in his arms. 

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