Chapter 17

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"Here Steeljaw, time for a walk!" Starscream called and smiled hearing Steeljaw run into the room with a smile on his face. "Do you want a bath?" Starscream asked and Steeljaw bolted and hid behind Thunderhoof. "Steeljaw come on! It's time for a bath!" Starscream yelled and began chasing him around the base. "You're both acting like children!" Thunderhoof yelled in frustration as Steeljaw went from under the table to leaping over Clampdown to running outside and attempted to hide around the trees.

Fracture watched from the bottom of a hill as he filled the tub with soap and water like Starscream had asked him to, he wasn't sure why he was doing this but Starscream was giving him 'the face' making him want to do anything to keep him happy. "STEELJAW!" Starscream yelled chasing Steeljaw and grinned as the plan was coming together. Airrazer and Divebomb pulled on the wire making Steeljaw trip and roll down the hill and fell straight into the now full tub with a huge splash. He tried to get out but Starscream was too quick and held him down as he washed him. "It will all be over soon enough." 

Steeljaw stood in the field soaking wet as Starscream went to get his towel. "Oh Steeljaw it isn't that bad." Starscream giggled and Steeljaw gave him a death glare. "You don't have fur that becomes heavier when it gets wet!" He said then his ears picked something up, no sooner than he did a sent came to him. He growled and went on all fours making Fracture jump with surprise. "Starscream stay behind me." Steeljaw said to the shaking seeker as a chilling chuckle came from the trees. "What's the matter Starscream? You look like you've seen a ghost." A hypnotic female voice said and a web was shot, Steeljaw was able to fling it away but wasn't so lucky with the second. "You hopeless fool! No wonder your pack abandoned you!" The voice hissed as Steeljaw tired to get up. "Starscream run!" He yelled but it was to no use, the seeker was so frightened he was frozen in place. there was an evil chuckle before it all went dark for both Fracture and Steeljaw, all they could hear were the seekers screams making Steeljaw wish he could tear out his own ears. 

Bumblebee and his team were looking for Starscream when they heard his all too familiar high pitched scream. "This way, hurry!" Bumblebee yelled and they went as fast as they could but it was too late, two Decepticons were on the ground tied in webbing and energon was splattered around on the ground. Bumblebee ripped the webbing off Steeljaw's mouth and eyes. "What happened here?" "She's gone.....she took him.....I couldn't stop her." Steeljaw began to sob as the rest of his team had arrived from hearing the scream. Thunderhoof shoved Bee aside and held Steeljaw in his arms saying sweet nothings in his ears. "Steeljaw, do you know who took him?" Bee asked and Steeljaw gave a half nod. "A spider-con." Bumblebee remembered when Starscream came out of the pod. "Arachnid, she must be hear on unfinished business." He said and helped Steeljaw up. "Perhaps we can form a truce until we get Starscream back?" Bumblebee asked and Steeljaw nodded making his little bell jingle. "Agreed, and if he dies or gets hurt that Bitches head is mine." Bumblebee looked at him with wide eyes. "Where did you learn that?" He asked and Steeljaw blushed. " pick up a few things out here when driving around." He said and Bumblebee shook his head before leading them back to base, in hand-cuffs of course. 

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