Chapter 19

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Starscream rocked in the corner as he heard the growling, something strange had happened to Steve and it really scared him. He was perfectly normal when he went to sleep but now.......he was scary. He looked like Predaking but was purple and had no wings, just a tail and claws. Poor Starscream was too scared to blink in fear that the creature would attack him. "Starscream! Are you alright Sparkling?" He looked around hearing the familiar voice and felt strange. "Daddy? Daddy is that you?" "Daddy's here Starscream, just hang on!" 

"Good boy Steeljaw, let's find Starscream." Megatron said as Steeljaw sniffed the ground, he had picked up the seeker's sent and began following it immediately. The others had to run just to keep up with the wolf-con. Finally they reached an abandoned science research ship from long before the war, it was covered in vines and moss and all sorts of other things. " you recognise this ship?" Bumblebee asked and Megatron nodded. "This is where we first met Starscream. " Everyone's eyes widened at this in pure shock as Megatron began his story. "It was a few years ago, Soundwave had picked up a strange energy signal........"

Megatron and Soundwave had found the old ship that seemed to have crashed here some time ago. "Definitely Cybertronian, but does not belong to any science lab I've heard of or seen before." Soundwave said as they explored and found a symbol that looked like an animal-con but painted in blood red. "Let's just find the artefact and get out of here. This place is making me uneasy." Megatron said as they ventured into the labyrinth of hallways. After a few dead ends they started seeing corpses, some were old......and some were new! "We should continue with caution, it appears one of the test subjects they were using has gone out of control." Soundwave said as he examined a few of the bodies. What kind of creature could've reeked such havoc? Megatron wondered, he heard the scampering of footsteps and shone his torch to see a white figure but it was too far away to see it properly, before he could get a closer look the creature had made a run for it. "Soundwave I think I saw something." Megatron whispered and Soundwave was by his side within seconds. They went in the direction of the creature and heard the tearing of flesh, each step they took it got louder and louder until finally it stopped. The two had reached a cell with half the door ripped off. The door read 'subject: SS 3425'. Megatron got out his blasters and looked inside to find a thin and trembling seeker with his arms in his face and crying hard. "Hey....hey buddy!" The seeker looked at him, he was completely grey unlike the pure white monster and had red eyes that seemed to be filled with fear. Megatron took a step into the room, he stopped seeing the seeker press his injured wings against the wall. "Shhh shhhh shhhh, I'm not going to hurt you." Megatron said in his most comforting tone and looked around the cell. There were claw marks everywhere but were much too large for the doing of this tiny seeker. "What's your name?" Megatron asked and kneeled down to the seeker who wiped his eyes. "S-Starscream." "Alright Starscream, can you tell me what happened here?" The seeker immediately shook his head and covered his mouth, Megatron immediately came to the conclusion that the seeker had been badly traumatised and won't want to talk. "We're getting you out of here alright, whatever is here wont hurt you once you're out." Starscream took a moment to think before nodding to Megatron, he tried to get up but fell down with a screech. Soundwave came in and looked around for danger but only saw Starscream and Megatron. "Soundwave he can't move, see if you can find out why." Megatron ordered and Soundwave nodded going over to Starscream and scanning him. "Malnutrition, broken hip, broken leg and several broken ribs. Survival rate: 1 day." Soundwave said getting up and moving out of the way. Megatron picked Starscream up and the seeker wrapped his arms around his neck like a comfort seeking seeker. "Let's get out of here before that thing finds us, whatever the artefact is it isn't worth facing that monstrosity." Megatron said and Soundwave nodded as they found their way out of the labyrinth. When they reached the outside it was just starting to get dark and Starscream looked at the sky in wonder. "Freedom." Soundwave thought he heard Starscream say, it was so faint though that he thought he had imagined it.

"When we arrived back at the ship we got Starscream fed, bathed and fixed up. We kept trying to get information out of him from what had happened but he just kept covering his mouth and shook his head as if scared." Megatron said as he lead them through the labyrinth, he remembered how to get to that cell and had a feeling that that was where they were going to find Starscream. Where it all began. He thought as they came to the door that was brand new and fixed. It had a small window that showed the inside of the room but didn't show the person on the inside the outside. Megatron looked through the window and saw Starscream curled up in a ball and a creature was starring at him, teeth were on the floor and bits of his wings had fallen off. "Starscream! Are you alright Sparkling?" He called and saw the seeker look around. "Daddy? Daddy is that you?" "Daddy's here Starscream, just hang on!" Megatron called and looked behind him to find that the others hadn't followed him. Before he could figure out a plan he felt something hard against his head as he blacked out. "Daddy are you still there? Please don't leave me daddy, I'm scared!" He heard his sparking call as he blacked out and heard Arachnid's familiar laugh mixed into Starscream's sobs.

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