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"Karma are you sick?" The older male with sharp eyes asked.

"No, I'm quite alright this fine afternoon" The redhead replies politely.

"Why are speaking like that?" Questioned the woman next to the man.

"Whatever do you mean?" Karma asked nervously.

"Like you are greeting some aristocrat"

'Damn it! This ain't a ancient royal setting! This may be the past but it's not that long ago, people don't speak like this, especially not Karma!'

'Those Novels I used to read are messing with my brain.'

"Haaha! How did ya like my prank?! You're confused faces are hilarious!" The redhead burst out laughing in order to cover up the mistake in behavior.

The parents released a breath of relief as they had previously thought they would have to bring their daughter to a mental hospital and get an appointment with a psychologist because of the way she was talking.

"Why are you dressed like that though?" asked Mrs.Akabane as she herself has tried many times to make her daughter wear dresses but they usually ended with being ripped by the little redhead.

"Oh, Grandma wanted me to wear it" the redhead spoke in response.

"Grandma?" asked the Akabane couple simultaneously.

"Didn't you call her 'Old woman'?" Mr.Akabane questioned after realising  who was the person Karma meant.

"Yes, I just thought to call her that as a new years resolution?" Karma answered, even if it was more of a uncertain  question.

"Alright." muttered Mr.Akabane.

The couple then went to the living room to relax a little after their trip and eat some homemade snacks that was prepared beforehand.

The two older Akabane were Day Traders, who liked to spend their time visiting different places, though sometimes they had to return to Japan, to check on their daughter or to meet up and discuss business with their friends or partners who were in the same line of business.

Though the Akabane couple provided their child with every materialistic thing she would require, they were quite indifferent when it came to actually looking after the said child.

It wasn't that they disliked their daughter, when Karma was little they spent a lot of time with her but they would rather live their lives as free travelers, making money and connections with various wealthy people than stay in the same place for years.

They thought Karma would be living a great life with the accommodations provided to her and they did assign a person to take care of her.

So, they saw nothing wrong with leaving their child on her own as they believed that she would be able to grow up just fine because she was smart and capable from a young age.

To be honest, they didn't really care for the way Karma acted because they barely knew of her true nature.

That being said, if our protagonist had behaved the way she usually does they wouldn't be able to differentiate between her behaviour; However she did screw it up by acting on her nerves, thankfully she saved her neck by saying she was messing around.


The next day the Akabane couple had left to meet up with the people they were supposed to meet with, they would not return to the Akabane Household as they would directly leave for another trip to a different country.

Karma exhaled a relieved sigh as she didn't need to walk on eggshells anymore. The dinner they had on the previous day was quite awkward as none of the members in the Akabane family said a single word to start a conversation.

Sure, it's bad manners to talk while eating but atleast there should be a peaceful atmosphere, which sadly didn't exist yesterday.

She was tense the whole time they were eating which ended in her having no appetite to eat any food.

Which happened again today in the morning during breakfast, resulting in the redhead to be extremely hungry after the cause of her anxiety had left.

It was only half an hour after she had supposedly 'eaten breakfast', so Grandma wasn't going to give her lunch anytime soon.

She could ask her to make a snack for her, but it would just trouble the old woman as well as take time to make.

So, she decided to buy something to eat going to meet up with brother Waka to make up for the missed training yesterday.


After buying snacks, a lot of snacks; she decided to go to the park to enjoy and actually eat something before going to meet with Wakasa.

As she reached the park however, she should have known she wouldn't get a peaceful environment to eat in.

"Huh?! What kind of name is that?" a kid shouted.

"Yeah! Go back to where you come from, Foreigner!" another one screamed out.

"Your name is ugly!" the last one also shouted.

'Do kids these days really think that is insulting?'

'If anyone ever said that to me I would laugh in their faces because of how pathetic those insults actually are'

'However, if it were a normal child who received those insults-'

The redhead looked towards the person the three children were insulting, only to see a little girl, probably younger than her.

She had blond hair that was covering her face making Karma to be unable to see what her eye colour was.

The girl's hand was clutching at the hem of her sun dress. Even from the entrance of the park Karma could see that the girl was shaking, from either fear, anger or a combination of both.

Karma went inside the park and kept her recently bought snacks on a bench nearby.

"Guess I have to save another person from Tokyo Revengers"

'Didn't think I'd encounter so many of them before the story even begins'



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