Chapter 14

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When you get up Tuesday morning, you can't help but think about the day that you had yesterday. Over a very short period of time, you've grown quite fond of both Namjoon and Warren and deciding to cut your losses and to move on from them was not an easy one. Even though you made the said decision to move on, that didn't mean that you are able to move on from your feelings for them. So, with all of those thoughts and feelings still swirling around in your head, you get your day started.

In no uncertain terms, you made it very clear to both men that you are no longer available and accessible to them. You tell yourself, "I'm going back to what I was doing before the unfortunate accident that rendered me in this sorry state." You have two classes earlier today and then tutoring your 3 kids. Your last student for the day is Marissa. You hope to continue developing your rapport with her so that perhaps you can get to the bottom of what is going on with her. You get your things together for your classes and head out.

The day is cold and grey. You think, "Boy... feels like it's going to snow." You have always loved snow and even now, as a full-grown adult, when you see snow on the ground, you can't help but feel the magic in the air. Your favorite season is the winter and you absolutely and positively love the cold weather. In the past four to five days, the weather turned from cool autumn days to downright cold winter days. This morning, you are completely bundled up in a warm knitted hat, mittens, scarf, winter parka and winter boots that lace all the way up to your knees. Once you are sufficiently swaddled from the cold, you grab your backpack and set out to your first class of the day.

Realizing that you are quite early, you decide to go and get yourself a cup of hot latte before making your way to class. Not wanting to stand in line with the rest of the morning coffee crowd, you use the coffee shop app on your phone to order ahead. When you get there, the line is almost out the door. You sneak yourself past the line of people and go right up to the mobile order pickup counter, grab your light and sweet latte, and immediately head out. There are people in a queue waiting to place their drink order and you don't pay any attention to any of them. On your way out, as you walk by one of the patrons in line, you hear someone say, "Honeysuckle?"

You have to turn your entire body to look at who just called one of your many nicknames. When you look up, you see Eric. You pull the scarf down that you had over your mouth and say, "Hey Eric! How are you?"

"I'm pretty good. So, haven't seen or heard from you in a while."

"Yea.... I've been busy with midterms coming up. I have a few projects that have turned out to be quite a time guzzler. How have you been?"

Eric answers, "You know me. Same ole, same ole. So.... Um.... What is going on with you and Joonie?"

You scrunch your nose and say, "Oh, that."

"Yea.... I don't mean to pry, but what happened there?"

You reply, "It didn't work out."

"I gathered as much. You know, Warren's been really off as well."

You ask, "Oh, has he? I hope he is okay."

"So, you are going to not say anything and just ghost us?"


Eric replies, "Well, yes. I thought we were your friends."

You exclaim, "Eric, of course you guys are. I'm not ghosting you. But I'm really not comfortable being around either one of them."

"Either one?"

You realize you gave too much information by accident. You say, "Ah... It is a really long story. You can ask either Joonie or Warren and I'm sure they will tell you."

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