Chapter 26

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It's Friday morning and when you open your eyes, you see Austin already awake. His ocean blue eyes are surveying your face, as if he is trying to commit every peak and valley to memory. With a little loose wisp of hair falling onto his forehead, the one he reminds you of in that moment is Superman. You think, "What's that actor's name that played superman again? Henry Carvel? Caville?"

You say, "Good morning, Superman."

Austin chuckles and says, "Good morning, Gorgeous. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. I definitely made up for the poor night sleep I had the night before."

"I forgot to tell you; Eric texted me yesterday while I was at work."

"Oh yea? How is he?"

"Same, that boy doesn't change much."

"So, what did he say?"

"He asked me to ask you if you were available to grab a coffee with Eve."

You wonder why Eric didn't text you directly, but don't think too much about it.

Then Austin asks, "I told him that I would pass along the message."

"I would love to. I was so glad to see a familiar face that night. I was so... so... terrified."

Austin can feel your body becoming rigid and tense. He says in a soft and soothing voice, "Sweetheart, you are safe now. I've got you. I'm here. You are okay."

As you listen to Austin's words, your mind conjures up an image from the night where you fought off those two men that tried to abduct you. The image is of Namjoon holding you tight in his arms. What you remember is how you instantaneously felt safe and sound, like you were finally going to be okay. Then a noticeable haze of melancholy settles over you. You think, "There it is again, that feeling of unfinished business, a debt unsettled, a beloved book you weren't able to finish. Why do I feel this way when I think of him?"

Noticing you are somewhere else, Austin asks, "Sweetheart, where did you go just now?"

"Oh, nowhere. I was just wondering how long it'll be before I can put this whole ordeal behind me."

Austin says, "I can only imagine how difficult things are for you right now, but I think getting over something like this is a process that you can't rush. I don't want you to hide from whatever you are feeling and experiencing. So, if you want to, please talk to me. I want to help any way I can."

"Thank you Austin. I love you."

"I love you too. Oh, and you should text Eric and see how you can get in contact with Eve. I'm sure she wants to check up on you and see how you are doing."

You agree and bury yourself in his embrace.

Austin leaves for work before you need to get to class. So, you spend a few minutes alone in your apartment and decide to spend that time reaching out to Eric and Nate.

Good morning fellas.
I was told that Eve wants to see me, get coffee.

She was wondering how you were doing and asked if we could facilitate.

Hi Honeysuckle!
How are you holding up, young lady?

Not too bad but could be better.
Since I don't want to keep bothering either one of you, please feel free to share my number with Eve.
She can reach me directly and we can set something up.
I want to thank her for the other night.
Seeing a familiar face really helped.

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