Chapter 33

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The sixth-floor stairwell is empty and quiet. Until, with tears welling in your eyes, you swing open the door to the stairwell. Austin, hot on your heels, burst through the door of the stairwell and finds you pacing the landing trying your best not to cry. When you see Austin standing there, you can't hold back the anger and hurt. You think, "How could he treat me this way? Why would he humiliate me like this on purpose?"

You say, "That was fucking humiliating. I can't believe you did that to me."

Austin, looking cool and calm, says, "You've given me no choice. What did your ex-boyfriend whisper in your ear?"

Confused about what he is asking you, you say, "What?"

The façade of calm and cool on Austin's face is starting to slip, he replies, "I watched you letting him fucking touch you everywhere. You don't think that was humiliating for me? Why do you keep making me resort to these methods? Do you think I like doing these things? I fucking love you! It's you that drive me to this point. You make me do these things!"

Now, you can see his eyes full of anger, ire, and indignation. His voice is getting louder and in the echo chamber that is this stairwell, his voice sounds booming. He shouts, "You say you love me, but I don't know, Sweetheart. It's really difficult to believe you in times like this. You made me look like an absolute fool in there with the way you let him touch you like that. He pretty much did everything but put his dick on you. I've done nothing but love you. He, on the other hand, had his dick practically inside some girl at a party that the two of you attended together and I'm the one you treat like shit? Why do you insist on hurting me like this?"

You think, "I'm the one that's hurting him? Me? He is the one who purposefully humiliated me and I'm the one that's injuring him?"

At this moment, you can see that Austin has gone past the point of no return. You can feel his rage radiating off of him. His eyes are now getting glassy with tears that are threatening to fall. He is walking closer and closer to you. Because you feel threatened by his anger and shouting, you continue to take steps backwards. Then suddenly, he is on you, grabbing you by your collar, two fists under your chin and you can feel his hands trembling. You are scared that he might strike you. Then he pulls you up by your collar so that your face is close to his. Then he screams at you, "I fucking love you. All I ever asked of you is to love me back. Show me enough respect to not let some assholes feel you up right in front of me. You are breaking my heart. Do you hear me? You are fucking killing me!"

Austin's rage is reaching fever pitch. He is shaking you by the collar of your shirt and is pushing you backwards, forcing you to back pedal. Now, your back is to a flight of stairs heading down to the next landing below. You know you are close but have no idea how close to the first step down you are. Austin continues to scream in your face, rage turning his face red, and you can see veins bulging out on his forehead and neck. He asks, "Do you want to go back to him? Is that what you want? Would you rather have that asshole's cock shoved up your fucking cunt? Tell me, my love. Is he who you'd rather be with?"

You want to tell him, "No, Austin. You are the one that I love. You. I don't want anything or anyone else. It's just you." But you are too frightened and can't seem to get all those words out. Instead, what you do say is, "Austin please, I don't want anyone else. Baby, you are scaring me."

Austin blinks his eyes, and the first drop of tears fall down his cheeks and your heart breaks for him. Immediately, he begins to sob earnestly. Through his sobs and tears, he says, "Goddamnit, I love you so fucking much. Why do you do this to me? What did I ever do to deserve you treating me this way? Do you like hurting me like this? Is this fucking fun for you? Do you want to go back to him?"

Still holding you by your collar and his hands balled up into fists, he squeezes his eyes shut. But the tears, they continue to fall. Austin continues, "I would have loved you until my last fucking day. You were the one. My one and only. The love of my life. I would have cherished you until my last goddamn breath. My heart is breaking. Do you understand? Do you want to go back to that motherfucker? Is that what you want?"

You shake your head no, but his eyes are squeezed shut and he can't see you saying no to his question. Now you are sobbing as well. You love him and don't want him to hurt like this. You want to say you are sorry and that you can explain. But you can't get any of those words out past your sobs.

Without warning, Austin's sobs cease and his eyes open.  Then he murmurs, "Then go." He unclenches his fists from your collar and walks out of the stairwell. In an attempt to stop him from leaving, you try to right yourself by taking a small step backwards. However, you take the said step without realizing how close to the edge of the first step you are. As you take that half an inch step backwards, off of a quarter inch ledge, the heel of your right shoe slips off the first step. As you lose your battle against gravity, you shout out to Austin for help. "Austin!" but you know it's too late for you. You can already feel the gravity winning and pulling your body down. You cry out, "No!" right before your lights go out.

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