Chapter 19

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Before falling asleep, you had set yourself an alarm for 11:00 AM. You need to get back home and get ready to tutor your two students. When you get out of your bedroom, it is just you and Gemma that are up, and she had only gotten up to use the bathroom. Before you leave, you write a note to your friends that you had a great time and that you'll text everyone later today. Instead of dragging yourself through the subway, you call an Uber to bring you back home. By the time you arrive back at your apartment, it is 11:30 AM. You shower and get yourself ready. Your first session is at 12:00 and you have just enough time to get to your first student on time. By the time you are done with your two students, It is 3:00 PM. On your way back home, you decide to text Austin as promised.

Hi Austin,
I'm finally done with work and heading back home now.
If you are still up for the date, I am now completely available.

Hey Gorgeous,
I was wondering when I would hear back from you.
Of course, I'm up for the date.
I've been waiting patiently for it.
Would you like to grab an early dinner and see where the evening takes us?

That sounds wonderful.
I should be home in about 20 minutes.
Can you give me some idea as to where we are going for dinner, so I can dress appropriately?

I was thinking something laidback.
Would that be okay with you?

That sounds perfect.
Let me know where, and I can meet you there.

I can pick you up.
In fact, I would like to pick you up.
I've been dying to watch you run down your stoop steps again.
That was a sight for sore eyes.

Aww... you are so sweet.
Well, I should be home in the next 10 to 15 minutes.
I'll change into something a bit more presentable, and I should be ready to go.

Great, then I'll see you in about 20 minutes. Okay?

Sounds good.
See you soon.

When you get to your apartment building, you see that Austin is already there waiting for you. You wave as you walk up to him and say, "Hi, you're early."

Austin replies, "I couldn't wait to see you. You can go and get ready and take your time. I can wait for you here."

You say, "Oh, don't be silly. It's cold out here. You want to come up and wait inside?"

"Um... you wouldn't mind?"

"No. Not at all. It'll take me less than 5 minutes. C'mon, you can see my apartment. It's not much."

He replies, "Okay great! Thanks."

You walk up two flights of stairs with Austin in tow and open the door to your apartment and let him in. You show him to your living room and offer him a drink which he declines. You say, "Let me just go and get changed really quick. I'll be right back. Make yourself at home."

You leave Austin in your living room and run into your bedroom to get changed. As you are getting changed you yell to Austin, "So, what did you do last night?"

Austin replies, "Oh, the usual. TV, video games, sitting and thinking about you."

You chuckle and say, "About me? I hope it was all good stuff."

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