Chapter 34

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Today is the day. You have an appointment at your orthopedic surgeon's office to get your casts taken off. Excited to be free from these encumbrances, you are watching the clock for the appointment time. Namjoon, on the other hand, is clearly less than happy. He bathed you earlier today, for the last time and seemed genuinely disappointed. To help him feel a little better, you nudged yourself onto his fully erect member. When that didn't work, you turned to face him and started to stroke him with your good hand. He groaned and said, "Oh... Sweetheart. What do you think you are doing?"

"I am trying to get my boyfriend to fuck me in the shower. Why do you ask?"

"Baby girl, you are very sweet for trying to cheer me up."

You said, "Well, I'm not done trying yet." You got on your knees in front of him and took him in your mouth.

You heard Namjoon taking in a sharp inhale through his gritted teeth and he started to move in and out of your mouth. Then he suddenly pulled out of your mouth and said, "Buttercup, stand up."

Puzzled, you got back on your feet and asked, "What's wrong Joonie? Did you not like that?"

"No, Baby girl, I loved every second of it."


"It's hard for me to enjoy it all when I know that all of this will end today. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy that you are all mended and good, but I've gotten so used to having you with me that it's going to be really difficult to get used to sleeping alone again."

You kissed your lovely boyfriend and said, "We can still have sleep overs and spend weekends together."

"I know." He looked down at the bottom of the shower with his mouth in a pout. You said, "Okay. How about we get finished up and talk some more once we get out of the shower. Okay?"


That was a couple of hours ago. Now, you and Namjoon are sitting side by side on the couch, reading. You can feel the sadness and disappointment radiating off of him. Not being able to stand him like this, you turn to him and ask, "Joonie, tell me. What would make you feel better than you are feeling now?"

He sighs and says, "I don't know, Sweetheart. I'm not going to say that I want you in a continued injured state, but I really loved having you with me all of the time; making love every day, kissing you goodnight before bed every night, and your face being the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. I'm sorry Buttercup. I know you are excited to get the casts removed. I'm kind of raining on your parade here, aren't I?"

"No, you aren't. We'll make sure that we see each other as often as possible. Once the spring semester starts, both of us are going to be busy and even if I was still here, it wouldn't be like how we've been the last month."

"I know. You are right. I just... I'm going to miss you."

You think you can see a little glistening in his eyes. You say, "Okay. Then tell me. How would you like to work this? Tell me and we'll try to get as close to what it is that you want as possible. No matter how ridiculous, just tell me what would your ideal situation be. I mean short of me breaking my limbs again that is."

Namjoon looks up at you with his head still tilted down. Like a little boy who is trying to ask for something but is feeling too shy to do it. "It can be as outrageous as I want?"

"Yes. Whatever crazy ass idea that you might have in that brilliant head of yours, let me  have it."

"Okay. You sure?"

Chuckling, you say, "Yes, sir. Give it to me."

"I want you to move in with me."

You stare at Namjoon with a blank face and say nothing. You aren't even moving, it's difficult to tell if you are even breathing, you are so still.

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