Chapter 28

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For the past few minutes, Namjoon has been looking for you. Namjoon has done the tour of Eric's apartment. Checking each of the rooms. Then he stands in front of the last room at the end of the hallway. The closed door to Eric's bedroom. Namjoon stands there thinking, "She stood here, probably exactly like I'm doing now, before she got the shock and horror of her life. How could I have done that?" He asks himself, "What if I find the two of them, my Buttercup and Austin in there. In the middle of him touching my fucking girl." He quickly tells himself to get a grip. Then he counts to three and swings open the door. To a dark and empty room. Taking a sigh of relief, he closes the door and walks back to the main part of the apartment.

Namjoon locates Warren in the crowd and asks, "Hey, have you seen Buttercup?"

Warren replies, "No, the last time I saw her, she was with Austin. They were walking past the kitchen towards the hallway. Why?"

"Call me crazy, but I don't have a good feeling and I can't find her." Namjoon decides to walk through the crowd once more and see if he can find you or Austin.

Namjoon walks by a small group of men, and overhears one of them say, "Bro, that fucking chick was getting railed to an inch of her life in the bathroom just now. Fuck, if that door was unlocked, I would have gone in there and joined the fucking party. I'm telling you the girl was cute as hell."

Another young man chimes in and says, "That dude was fucking letting her have it, just destroying her. He kept shouting how tight and wet her pussy was. could hear everything. That bitch was moaning like crazy. You could actually hear his wet balls slapping against her fucking ass. It was insane, bro."

The other man continues, "When they were done, we waited by the door and got to see what the girl looks like. I would have happily taken sloppy seconds on that pussy any day, I would not have cared who was there before. Damn... That girl had a pretty little mouth on her too. That got me fucking horny as hell, My cock was throbbing listening to that shit. You see that girl in the blue dress? I'm going to get her to suck my dick tonight. She has been making eyes at me this whole time."

The third man adds, "The Dude was fucking big, like 6'3", maybe 6'4", and the girl was a cute little thing. He had her squealing in there. He must have torn that little pussy up."

The first one exclaims, "Oh and this part got me full-on hard, fuck, I'm still fucking hard from it. He fucking jizzed all over her and made her put her clothes back on without cleaning herself up. When she asked if she could at least clean the cum off her face, he told her she had two choices, she had to either swallow it or fucking wear it. He said he wanted his scent on her. Man, I need to fuck right now. I'm ready to fucking burst. Have you seen Angela? I saw that girl around here somewhere."

Namjoon thinks, "No, that can't be...." He turns to those young men and asks, "These two that you guys are talking about, did you see where they went?"

One of them says, "I saw them leave and go into the stairwell."

Namjoon hurries out of the apartment and goes to check the stairwell. Warren catches Namjoon rushing out of the apartment. Alarmed, he chases after him.

When Namjoon bursts through the stairwell door, he sees nothing initially. But the next thing he sees will be forever burned into his psyche and every time he touches on this memory, it will always bring him great heart ache. Namjoon mutters, "Oh,, no, no." As Namjoon finds your limp body at the bottom of a flight of stairs, Warren comes through the door.

Warren sees Namjoon's expression and for a split second, he is too frightened to look at what Namjoon is staring at. But when he takes in a deep breath and looks, he has difficult time comprehending what it is that he is seeing. It's a woman's body, her face is familiar. So familiar that he thinks about it several times a day. But oh God, her body.... Body that he had gotten to know intimately, does not resemble what he remembers. Warren murmurs, "Oh my God, no...."

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