Chapter 31

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It's new year's eve. You never replied to Austin's Christmas text and ended up blocking his number as you and Namjoon discussed. Your heart broke for him when he asked you to choose between him and Austin. In your mind, there was no contest. It was, is and always will be Namjoon. What his response told you was that you weren't doing a very good job at reassuring him and letting him know, not just with words but with actions, that he was the most important man in your life. So, you set that as your new year's resolution. To do and say something as often as possible, that showed Namjoon that he was the only one that you loved. You think, "Joonie deserves nothing less."

Eric, Nate, and Warren are back, and they have planned a small New Year's Eve party at Warren's place. It's a small affair just the four men, you, Eve, and some of Eric's pretty lady friends. With the help of Namjoon, you get yourself into a cute little black sequins dress and one black shoe with a little heel. You decide to go fancy and curl your hair. You must have been in the bathroom for an hour because Namjoon, every once in a while, would knock on the door and ask, "Buttercup, you okay in there,?"

And you'd say, "Almost done."

At last, when you emerge from the bathroom, all dolled up, you say, "Hey Joonie, how do I look? Kind of hard to look elegant with these things mucking up the works. You know what I mean?" You lift up your arm and leg that are in a cast.

When Namjoon hears you call him, he turns around. He sees you and suddenly stops moving. He can feel the tingling sensation in his groin and think, "She is so gorgeous. I need to touch her."

As soon as you finish your sentence, Namjoon walks up to you and wraps his arms around you. Then he asks, "Do we need to go to this party?"

You ask, "Why do you ask?"

"I need you out of this dress and completely naked right the fuck now, Baby girl. I need to fuck you immediately."

"Joonie, No! Get back!" You say as you try and push your boyfriend away from you, but he only tightens his grip on you and chuckles. "It took an hour for me to look like this. We are going out and showing me off, Goddamnit. So, again, how do I look?"

Namjoon licks his bottom lip and puts on a lascivious smile, then says, "You keep acting this adorable and you won't see the light of day until next year."

You say, "You may do to me what you'd like once we get back, but I want you to take me out!

He kisses your neck and whispers in your ear, "What my baby wants, my baby gets."

When you get to Warren's apartment, you whisper to Namjoon, "Murder central."

This brings back flood of memories for Namjoon and he stops you in your track. You say, "What's wrong Joonie? When I said murder central, I didn't mean I was going to murder you. But if I did, I would have 50% less likelihood of getting caught in this apartment."

He pulls you into him and says, "I have loved you from day one. Do you know that?"

You reply, "I had a feeling. I love you too," and put your good arm around his neck to kiss him. As the two of you share a kiss, you hear someone from inside the apartment say, "Hey love birds, Get in here."

Apparently, the two of you are the last ones to arrive. You greet Eve excitedly. She is in a gorgeous red mandarin collar dress and her jet-black hair and porcelain skin compliments her red dress perfectly. The men opted for very casual, but you weren't going to let an opportunity to get prettied up and go somewhere slip on by.

You do your rounds of greeting. You see Eric and Nate, but not Warren. You ask, "Where is the host?"

Of course, as soon as you ask for Warren, he whispers, standing behind you, "Are you looking for me, Sweet pea?"

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