Chapter 27

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While you are still at Eve's place, you get a text message from Austin. When you check your phone, it says it's now 5:30 PM.

My love.
Where are you?
I miss you so much.
I would like to see you tonight.
Baby, are you still with Eve?

Hi Handsome.
I am with Eve now, but I'm going to head back to my apartment in about 10 minutes.
I should be back in my place in 30 minutes at most.
I miss you too.
I need to feel your arms around me.
I love you.

Sweetheart, I'll hold you as long and as close to me as possible.
I'll be at your place in about 30 minutes.
Baby, I'll see you soon.
I've been thinking about you all day.
I want you so bad.
I love you too.

I'm yours, baby.
I'll see you soon.

You thank Eve for her time and kindness. "Eve. Thank you so much. Would it be okay if I text you?"

"Girl, you better!"

The two of you embrace. She asks, "Do you know how to get to your place from here?"

"I sure do. Thank you so much for having me over. I'm feeling much better."

"I'm glad we got to talk more. Maybe we can hang out again, just you and me and do women stuff."

You give her a big smile and say, "That sounds like a solid plan."

It only takes fifteen minutes or so to get back home. You finally allow yourself to admit that loving Austin is simply a rollercoaster. "When it's good, it is so very good. But those brief moments of darkness. They do exist."

Then the next thought that fills your mind to the brim is what Eve said about Namjoon, That he loves you and that he is still in love with you. Thinking about him and what Eve told you about Namjoon makes your chest tight. You think, "Oh Joonie, you poor sweet man."

When you get back to your apartment, you decide to jump in the shower. You text Austin that you left your front door unlocked and he can just walk in, that you'll be in the shower. Within five minutes of you being in the shower, you hear a knock on your bathroom door. Startled, you let out a yelp and then ask, "Who is it?"

"Sweetheart, it's me. May I come in?"

"Hi Austin. Yes. I just got in. I'll be out in a minute."

Austin opens the bathroom door and comes in, then he says, "No, Baby. I'll join you."

In less than a minute, he is out of his work clothes and pulls open the shower curtain halfway. He stands there for a minute, just watching you standing under falling water and he grows long and hard almost in an instant. He mutters, "God... you are so beautiful." He steps in the shower with you and says, "Baby, come here. I need to kiss you."

The two of you are tangled up in each other's arms, hot water pouring down, making your skin slippery and slick. Austin lifts you up and presses you against the shower wall. He lines himself to your entrance and in one swift move, he thrusts up into you and lets out a groan of pleasure simultaneously. Your breath hitches from the sudden intrusion and you let escape from your lips a timid moan.

As he starts to glide in and out of you, Austin murmurs, "Sweetheart, I missed you all day. Been thinking about doing just this. Little girl, you feel so good."

With your arms wrapped around his neck, you pull him into you for a kiss that seems to last forever. When you pull away from the kiss, Austin grimaces and says, "Oh, God... I'm already close. Fuck, I can't hold it. Aughhh....GOD! Oh, God... Ahhh.  Ahh... you feel so incredible. I'm sorry, Baby. I'll take care of you. I promise. It's just that I've been missing you all day and when I saw you in here. I was already halfway to coming."

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