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I was on set getting ready to film for the new season of our show as everyone kept talking about a special guest. I sat in the trailer looking through my phone as I heard a voice. "Hi!" A woman's voice said as the crew greeted her. "Oh my god hi! Just sit down here." Amanda our makeup artist said as I saw a figure walk up next to me. "Hi I'm Taylor." She said holding out her hand as I turned and noticed who it was. "Oh hi!" I said surprised as I smiled and shook her hand. "Guess we're co-stars?" She asked as I chuckled.

"I had no clue you were going to be filming with us, I'm-"I started as she cut me off. "Y/N right? I love your work I know who you are." She chuckled as I looked at her surprised. "That's a shock." I said as we laughed. "Oh Taylor we have everything in the room over there for you to change in for now we'll be right in to help you both."Amanda said as she left.

Taylor went to go into the room as she came back out in a robe. I glanced as she walked out and I admired her legs. I looked away before she noticed, she walked over and sat next to me. "So how is everything on set?" She asked. "It's great working with everyone it's pretty laid back." I said looking at her through the mirror as I saw her robe was slightly slipping off one of her shoulders. I looked away as she noticed and fixed her robe as Amanda came in. "Ok so I'll get you guys ready, your wardrobe is in the room change into that and I'll be back to work on you guys after I finish the others." She said as we nodded and she left.

We smiled at one another as she went into the room and changed into her outfit. I walked toward the door waiting as I caught a glimpse of her bare back as she got dressed. "If you're going to watch you might as well come in." She said as she stared into the mirror of the room as I grew red. "Huh?" I asked surprised as she opened the door half dressed. "I can see you the door isn't fully closed." She said looking at me as she held the door half open. I avoided staring as I looked away still red in the face. "Sorry I was just over here waiting and it was creaked open."I said as she smirked and grabbed my robe pulling me into the room as she shut the door.

She pushed me against the wall as she eyed me. "I noticed you staring before that..." she whispered as I gulped. "I-" I said trying to find an excuse as she smirked. "It's I said I'm a fan of your work...especially the work I've seen of you with other women." She said as I looked at her surprised. I flipped us as I had her pinned against the wall catching her by surprise. "Oh so you're watching me with other women?" I asked smirking. "Maybe...slightly jealous it wasn't me."she said as we both smirked at one another. I crashed my lips into hers as I slipped off the skirt she had on and felt her wrap one of her legs around me.

I kissed her neck as she moaned out, I made a trail down and sucked and nibbled on her collarbone. I kissed back up as my lips hovered over hers, I hooked my fingers on her panties."I think we need to strip you out of these..."I whispered as I slowly slipped them off as she bit her lip. I let my fingers graze over her center as she shivered. "Should I just..." I said teasing as I slightly pushed my finger in as she gasped."oh I think she likes it..." I smirked as I slipped another finger and started pumping them in and out of her now dripping center. "Oh shit..." she breathed out, I looked into her eyes and down at her lips as I continued. "Kiss me..."she whispered as she let out breathy moans.

I chuckled as I pressed my lips to hers and she quickly wrapped around me. I held onto her as we made out and I heard a voice. "Y/N? Taylor?" Amanda's voice asked as I pulled away slightly still holding Taylor against the wall as she stayed silent. "Yeah?" I called out. "Where's Taylor?" She asked. "I think she ran to go get something really quick." I said as I looked at Taylor who held back her laughter. "Okay well I'll be back then." Amanda said as I heard the door close. We laughed and looked at one another in silence as she pulled me against her lips as we continued making out.

"Ok so I need you there for this scene with her." The director said as I was prepping to do a scene with another Co-star. Taylor was in the distance watching as I we got ready to do our scene. We were flirting and talking for the scene in a club as I noticed Taylor watch us interact, slightly annoyed, in the distance. "Cut! Great!" The director shouted as we wrapped up the last scene. "Ok same time tomorrow." He said as I smiled and walked off as Taylor grabbed me and pulled me out of the building. "What's wrong?"I asked as she stopped and looked back at me. "You're coming home with me." She said as I smirked and shrugged. "I'm fine with that." I said as she smirked and I followed her.

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