Can I sleep with you?

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Taylor and I had a long night of drinking and brainstorming for a new song she was working on. We just kind of ended up getting a little more drunk on wine rather than getting anything done.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Taylor said excitedly as she picked up the empty bottle of wine. "Taylor it's just us two." I laughed as she realized and set the bottle down. "Oh...yeah...guess we don't need the bottle." She shrugged as she leaned over and pressed her lips to mine. The slight sweetness of wine was still on her lips, I kissed back slightly before pulling away. She watched me, I could see it in her eyes she was longing to kiss me again as I smiled faintly. "Maybe we should get to bed I think we're a little too drunk." I said as she looked away slightly embarrassed. "Oh...yeah it's getting late." She smiled faintly as I nodded and we started heading off down the hall. I was going to the guest room as she walked to her room and glanced back at me before entering her room.

I sighed as I walked into my room and got ready for bed. I slipped on a long shirt as I crawled under the sheets and began drifting off to sleep.

I heard a creek as I quickly sat up and saw Taylor standing at the door. "Sorry..." she whispered as I rubbed my eyes. "What are you doing?" I whispered back as she entered the room. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked as I looked at her confused. "Why?" I questioned as she shrugged. "I just can't sleep." She said as I sighed and nodded. She smiled and crawled into bed next to me as she turned facing me and stared at me in silence. I stared awkwardly as I looked around. "What?" I asked as she hesitated for a moment. "Was the kiss bad?" She asked as I felt my cheeks rush with warmth. "What?" I asked nervously as I was taken off guard by her question.

"The kissed back for a moment but then you stopped." She said looking at me with concern in her eyes as I shook my head. "No it's not's..." I sighed, Taylor and I have been good friends for a few years now and I didn't want to ruin anything between us. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her and hold her but I didn't want to do it when she was intoxicated. "We were just drunk it wasn't a good idea." I replied as she furrowed her eyebrows in slight confusion. "Well...we're not drunk now." She replied as I stared at her in silence.

I felt the warmth of her hand on my cheek as she moved her body close to mine and kissed me. I hesitated to put my arm on her as she quickly moved it to be wrapped around her as she kissed me. I had my hand on her lower back as I pulled her body up against mine. Her tongue slightly grazed my bottom lip begging for entrance as I slipped my tongue to meet her's as she moaned. I slightly moved my leg between hers as she slowly moved her hips against my thigh. She moaned in pleasure as her moans muffled against my lips. "Oh I want to fuck you so bad.." I whispered slightly pulling away from her lips as she looked at me with hunger and desperation in her eyes.

"Please do..." she whispered as I smirked and flipped us, laying her on her back. We quickly stripped out of the clothing we had on as I moved inches close from her face. "I want to savor every inch of you..." I whispered lustfully as she gulped and gasped at the feel of my lips attaching to her warm skin. I slowly kissed down to her collarbone, gently nibbling and sucking, sure to leave a mark in the morning. I kissed down as I gazed up and saw her watch me with such intensity and lust as I began to approach her nipple. I smirked slightly teasing the skin around as she whimpered.

I slowly grazed my tongue over her nipple as she gasped, I could see the goosebumps rise on her skin as I smirked and wrapped my lips around and gently sucked. She bit her lip and breathed heavily as I occasionally lapped my tongue over her nipple as I sucked. "Fuck..." she breathed out in pleasure. I slowly grazed my hand down by her slit, she was practically dripping. I smirked as I continued sucking and slowly teased her opening. "I hate you..." she groaned as I smirked against her nipple and slowly slipped my finger in her.

She gasped as I slowly pumped my finger in and out. Her lips quivered from the pleasure as I slipped in another and continued. My fingers filled her warmth lavishing in the wetness. I moved down from her nipple leaving a trail of kisses down her stomach as I hovered over her warm center. "Please..."she whimpered as she watched me with desperation.

I teased around her slit with my tongue as my fingers continued pumping in and out of her. "Y/N..." she whimpered and squirmed as I spread her legs further. "If you don't behave you can do it yourself." I teased as she watched me in silence and gulped. "Good girl." I smirked slowly pushing my tongue to her center as it grazed her folds. "Oh my...." She breathed out as her hands quickly found their way to my head and her fingers tangled in my hair.

My tongue made its way up to her clit as I gently sucked and savored her taste. She breathed out heavily her body shivering in pleasure as she pushed me closer to her center. "Fuck..." she moaned and breathed out as I let my tongue savor every inch. I quickened my pace as my fingers plunged in deeper, I sucked her clit as she breathed and moaned out in pure ecstasy. "Oh my god..." her breathing picked up pace as she grew closer to climax, she began to grind against my tongue as I continued pumping my fingers at a steady pace. She gasped and moaned, her eyes rolling back in pleasure as she rode out her orgasm.

I moved up to her face and slowly savored her taste off my fingers as she watched trying to catch her breath and process everything that happened. "Kinda rude of you to keep this to yourself all this time." I smirked as I sucked off the last bit of her juices from my fingers. "There's more where that came from..." she smirked.

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