Sick days

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I coughed and blew my nose as the tv played in the background. I felt so fatigued, my head was pounding, and I couldn't drag myself out of bed. "Baby..." Taylor said as I looked over as saw her enter the room with a bedside tray as she brought it over with a big smile on her face. "I made you something to eat, you haven't been eating well and this is going to heal you right up." She said as I looked and saw a bowl of soup, toast, and hot tea. "How is this going to help?" I asked.

"Because I made it with love." She said as I smiled faintly. "Thank you...but you shouldn't be in here I'm sick." I groaned as I sat up. "I don't care."she shrugged as I looked at her concerned. "What if you get sick?" I asked. "Then we can be sick in bed together." She replied as I chuckled. "You're crazy." I said shaking my head as I took a sip of my tea.

"Only for you." She said leaning down and kissing my head as she left the room. I smiled to myself as I watched her leave and ate my food. She was honestly the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. She didn't have to take care of me but she was more than willing to, she hasn't left my side this past week. Honestly the more time she was spending with me and caring for me the way she was, the more I kept falling in love with her.

I finished my food as she came in to check on me. "Need anything else babe?" She asked as I shook my head. "No don't worry I don't want you doing so much." I said as she gave me a look and rolled her eyes as she picked up the tray. "Babe...stop it, you would do the same for me so I'm here to make sure you get better...I'll be back." She said as she left the room. I got comfortable in the bed as I shut my eyes.

I felt a hand touch my forehead as I jumped and saw Taylor standing over me. "Sorry, I was just trying to check your temperature." She looked at me concerned after startling me as I shook my head. "No it's fine." I replied as she smiled. She put the thermometer to my forehead, I heard a beep as she looked at it surprised. "Is it bad?" I asked as she shook her head. "No it's getting better." She smiled as she set it down and handed me a glass of water and medicine. "Babeee." I whined as she gave me a slight glare. "Don't be a baby take it." She said handing me the medicine as I sighed and took it and drank my water. "Good." She smiled as she was getting ready to walk off as I grabbed her hand.

She stopped and looked back at me. "What's wrong?" She asked as I admired her face in that moment. She had her hair up and I was able to admire every part of her face, she was beautiful. "I love you." I said as she smiled and leaned over as she placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Taylor!" I shouted pulling away as she chuckled. "What?" She asked as I covered my mouth."I'm sick!" I shouted as she shook her head and moved my hand. "I already told you...I don't care." She whispered as she climbed over me and pressed her lips to mine.

She pulled away slightly as I stared at her in silence. She smiled as she laid next to me. "Babe you're gonna get sick." I said as she shrugged. "Oh well guess we'll be sick together." She said as she cuddled up to me. "Why are you like this?" I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her. "Because I love you." She said looking up at me as I smiled and leaned down and kissed her. "Would it be too soon to ask you to marry me?" I joked pulling away slightly as she smiled. "Not at all." She said as I looked at her slightly surprised, we laughed and kissed once again as she cuddled in my arms and drifted to sleep.

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