Phone call away

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I was in my office too distracted to focus on work, waiting for the moment Taylor would find time for a break from rehearsals to respond to my text. I anxiously tapped my desk and tried to read through some of my work emails. I heard a buzz and quickly picked up my phone.

Finally got a little break. What are you up to? -T

Work. Nothing new. I miss you.

Aww. Wish you could be here with me instead. -T

How have rehearsals been?

Check this out:

Check this out:

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- T

My eyes slightly widened as I stared at the photo mesmerized by her.

You're rehearsing like that? Without me?!

Haha -T

Put a damn shirt on. No one else could see you like that but me >:(

It gets hot -T


Something like this better?:

Something like this better?:

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That's worse.

What? Why? -T


Y/N?? -T

...because it makes me want to take you out of those clothes.

Oh? ;) -T

Stop I hate you for this. You know I'm at work.

So am I. -T

You know what you're doing.

I have no clue what you're talking about:

I have no clue what you're talking about:

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What? -T

You're distracting me.

Oh...okay I won't disturb you.-T

She was serious. She stopped responding.

Taylor come back! I miss you :(

But there was no response. "Shit." I sighed and went back to work.


I dropped my things by the door and walked to my bedroom. I scrolled through my notifications and checked my messages. Taylor still hadn't responded back. I sighed and re-read our conversation. I sat on my bed and admired the photos she had sent me.

It's been 4 months since I last seen her. It's also been 4 long months since we last did anything together and these photos weren't helping curve my need for her. I smirked to myself as I got an idea. "I know what'll grab your attention." I smirked and stripped off my top and unclasped my bra. I tossed everything off to the side and cupped my breasts, covering enough but not too much, just so I had enough to tease.

I smirked and positioned the camera to take a shot of my exposed skin and sent the photo. I laid back against the bed and waited to see if she would respond.

What are you doing.-T

I smirked at her response.


Why are you sending stuff like that. You know we have to be careful with stuff like this. -T

That's what makes it fun. ;)

Y/N. -T

Oh come on. That's nothing. You know you like it. But you know what I think you'd like a lot better?

...what? -T

I set my phone aside and quickly slipped out of my pants and underwear. I grabbed my phone and positioned the camera near my center. I clicked record and gently teased my now wet center. I softly moaned at my touch and slipped my fingers in. I gasped and pumped my fingers in and out, letting out loud breathy moans. I cut the video off and sent the video as I continued to tease myself.

Taylor's contact name immediately came up a few seconds after. "Hello?" I innocently answered. "What do you think you're doing?" She replied. "What ever could you be talking about?" I said pretending to be oblivious. "You're very naughty you know that?" She softly chuckled. "How naughty am I?" I asked as I continued to tease myself.

"Very...very...naughty." She said in a low deep voice. "What does it make you want to do to me?" I asked eager to keep her on the line and continue hearing her lustful voice. "You already know what happens to naughty girls." Taylor replied. "Tell me..." I whimpered. "They get punished...tied up like the naughty girls they are." Taylor replied. I could hear her breath getting heavier. "What else?" I softly moaned.

"They get teased...very very bad. Until they're screaming and begging to be satisfied and pleased." She replied. I moaned and the thought of it all and slowly pumped my fingers in my entrance. "Then once they get nice and wet..." She softly moaned. I wasn't the only one needy and pleasing myself, it was clear she was too. "I take my time tasting every part of them. Every. Part."

I whimpered and continued to please myself. "What else?" I whimpered. The phone call was cut and I stared at my phone disappointed and confused.

I'm taking off for home. I'll be there later. -T

I softly smirked and held the phone against my chest. I knew it would work.

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