Date Night

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Y/N was nervous for her date tonight. She'd been seeing this girl for the past few weeks and everything was going well but her anxiety tends to get the best of her. She was nervous because she knew tonight was likely the night her date would want her to spend the night so they could...get intimate.

"Y/N you okay?" Taylor asked, knocking on the bathroom door. Taylor and Y/N shared an apartment in the city together, well more like Taylor let y/n stay in her apartment. It got lonely when she wasn't home and was off traveling for work. But luckily Taylor had the time to be home again.

"Yeah, I was just getting ready." She replied and opened the door. Taylor's eyes grew wide as they slowly trailed up and down her figure admiring the dress she had on. "Is it bad?" She asked. "Uh...oh u-uh n-no." Taylor nervously replied as her cheeks flashed a slight red. "Nice right?" Y/N smiled as she slightly admired herself in the mirror. She looked at Taylor through the mirror and noticed her silently observing her. "I found this dress at the boutique we go to and I just had to get it for date night." She smiled.

Taylor's face slightly fell in disappointment, she felt a rush of jealousy run through her."So you went to our boutique, and thought of her when you bought this?" Taylor questioned. "Well yeah, I was shopping for my date so obviously." Y/N asked confused.

"Our boutique?" Taylor questioned. "Taylor it's just a boutique." Y/N replied. "It's not just a boutique..." Taylor mumbled. "What was that?" She asked. "Nothing." Taylor sighed and walked off towards the kitchen.

Y/N finished fixing her hair and followed Taylor towards the kitchen and saw her leaning against the island counter and scrolling away on her phone. Taylor glanced over and noticed y/n, "so what time are you coming home?" She asked as y/n grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"I'm not." She replied as Taylor's gaze quickly shot toward her. "What do you mean you're not?" She asked slightly glaring. Y/N hesitated for a moment and turned a light shade of red at the thoughts running through her mind. "Well I think tonight is the night we might..." y/n trailed off.

Taylor's grip slightly tightened around her phone in anger. Her face remained neutral. "Oh..." she replied. "Yeah but honestly I'm so nervous." Y/N sighed. "Why?" Taylor asked. Y/N slightly shifted around,"what if...what if I'm not good enough for her?" She questioned. "You're amazing what do you mean?" Taylor questioned.

"No I mean... what if she doesn't think...I' know..." y/n shyly replied. Taylor's eyes slightly widened in realization, "oh....Oh!" She replied as the two both grew silent, their cheeks were both slightly flushed red in embarrassment.

"Well..." Taylor trailed off. "Well what?" Y/N asked. "You could practice beforehand?" Taylor suggested. "How?" Y/N questioned. Taylor stared at her in silence as Y/N thought for a moment. "Oh..." y/n struggled to find the words as she realized what Taylor meant.

"It was a stupid suggestion forget I said that." Taylor replied shaking her head in embarrassment. "No." Y/N replied as Taylor looked over at her confused. "That's not an entirely bad idea..." y/n shrugged. "It's not?" Taylor asked. "No...and you could give me feedback...we can keep it between us." Y/N nervously replied.

"Oh um..." Taylor looked around trying to process the conversation. She felt y/n's hands gently grip her waist as she stepped close. Taylor glanced down at her hands and up into y/n's eyes. "Is this okay?" Y/N softly asked. Taylor nodded as Y/N lifted and placed her onto the counter.

Taylor watched her slightly surprised. "Would something like that work?" Y/N asked. "I think adding something like this..."Taylor whispered as she leaned down and slowly kissed y/n taking her by surprise. Y/N's hands gently made their way onto Taylor's thighs as her lips continued to move in sync with Taylor's.

Taylor gently placed her hands on y/n's shoulders and pulled her closer. She had been wanting this for so long. She was too afraid of ruining their friendship to ever act on her feelings. This was her only way of somehow getting close to being with her.

The thought of anyone else touching her and getting to have her only fueled Taylor's jealousy. She wanted y/n all to herself.

Y/N slightly pulled Taylor closer to the edge as her hands quickly unbuttoned Taylor's jeans. Y/N pulled her face inches away from Taylor's as her hands slowly tugged down her jeans. Their eyes remained locked on one another as y/n stripped Taylor's jeans off.

Taylor noticed the lustful gaze in y/n's eyes. Y/N's fingers hooked onto Taylor's undergarments and tugged them off. She slightly pushed Taylor back against the counter and pulled her closer to the edge.

She smirked and kept eye contact with Taylor as her mouth made contact with Taylor's center. Taylor's head fell back against the counter at the feel of y/n's tongue slowly teasing and grazing her opening.

Y/N slowly pushed her tongue further in causing Taylor to gasp at the sensation. She slightly propped herself up and watched as y/n's tongue gently grazed each fold. Y/N slightly moaned at the taste as she savored every inch. Taylor bit her lip holding back a moan as she felt herself growing more aroused at the sight of y/n pleasing her.

Y/N slowly made her way up to Taylor's clit gently using her tongue to toy with it. "Oh..." Taylor breathily moaned as she tossed her head back in pleasure. Her hand found it's way toward y/n's hair, tangling her fingers through and messing up her hair.

Y/N didn't pay any mind to it as her tongue continued to savor Taylor's center. She didn't know who was enjoying this more, her or Taylor. Taylor slightly gripped the back of y/n's head and pushed her further, she slightly moved her hips in rhythm against y/n's tongue and slowly grew overwhelmed by the sensation of y/n's tongue perfectly hitting her clit.

"Oh yes..."Taylor heavily breathed out. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure as she grew closer to climax. "Oh my god." Taylor gasped, gripping the back of y/n's head. Y/N smirked against her and continued at the same pace, her tongue moved effortlessly. She looked up and saw Taylor's pleasure stricken face and felt herself growing aroused at the sight. She wrapped her lips around Taylor's clit and gently sucked. "Oh fuck." Taylor whimpered out as she road out the rest of her climax against y/n's tongue.

Y/N kept eye contact with Taylor and slowly pulled away as Taylor was catching her breath. Taylor stared and admired her in amazement. She glanced down noticing the glossy mess she left on y/n's lips. "Do you think I'll do good tonight?" Y/N softly questioned as the two stared at one another for a brief moment.

Taylor got off the counter and gripped the strap of y/n's dress and pulled her close. Y/N stared at Taylor in shock waiting for her next move. "Cancel your date, I'm fucking you tonight." Taylor smirked taking y/n by surprise as she dragged her off toward the bedroom.

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