Secret gifts

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- day 2 -

I was storing away left overs from dinner and saw Taylor approaching with a box wrapped with festive wrapping paper and a pretty red bow. I put the containers in the fridge and entered the living room. "What's that?" I asked as Taylor stored the box under the tree. She glanced over at me and stood up. "Your Christmas gift." She smiled. "What is it?" I smiled.

"It's secret. That's the point babe." Taylor replied. "Come on, just one hint?" I begged. "You can wait for Christmas." Taylor said kissing the top of my head. "Now let's get to bed and cuddle I'm exhausted." Taylor yawned and walked off. I looked at the box one last time and sighed as I followed her off to bed.


I stared at the blinking clock on the night stand. It was midnight. Her present was still in my mind. I was never good with surprises, I just needed to know what was in the box. I looked over at Taylor and heard her soft snoring. I carefully slipped out of bed and snuck out of the bedroom. I made my way toward the living room and approached the Christmas tree.

I knelt down and carefully picked up the box. It was just one little peek. One little peek and I would stop obsessing over the damn thing. I carefully untaped one corner and took a peek into the box. I couldn't make out much of what it was and carefully tried to open it more.

"I told you to wait for Christmas." Taylor's voice startled me and made me jump. She was standing behind me with her arms crossed and an annoyed expression on her face. "I-I-" I couldn't find the words to explain myself. "I'm so sorry I just couldn't sleep I needed a peek." I frowned. Taylor approached me and snatched the box out of my hands and set it down. "Since you don't want to listen..." Before I had the chance to react, Taylor cuffed my hands together and gripped my arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she pushed me down on the couch. She picked up the gift and unwrapped it in front of me. "You wanted a sneak peek so bad didn't you?" She said as she took a strap out of the box. My eyes widened intimidated by the large item in her hand. "W-What are you going to do with that?" I stuttered.

She slipped down her grey sweatpants and lace panties and strapped on the harness. I watched as her hands slipped up my t-shirt, her fingers hooked around my panties and tugged them down. She kept eye contact as she situated herself between my legs.

"You've been very naughty..." she said in a low sultry voice that sent chills down my spine. Her fingertips lightly teased my entrance picking up some of the wetness seeping through, she lightly rubbed the slick on her fingers with her thumb and smirked at me. "There's only one way to fix it."

I nervously swallowed and shivered as she teased my slit with her tip. She lightly pressed her tip at my entrance, teasing me. I was a nervous wreck but I desperately needed her. I let out a gasp as she slipped into my warmth. "Don't worry, I'll go easy." She whispered. She slowly rocked her hips as I adjusted to her length. She completely stuffed every inch of me. "Faster." I whispered. She looked at me surprised my demand. "Are you sure?" She asked.

I bit my lip and nodded in response. She slightly pushed my legs back against me and started to go faster. The sensation was more pleasurable than before I couldn't help but moan. My hands desperately gripped the hem of her shirt, my legs were starting to get tremble. Taylor lifted my legs onto her shoulders and continued stroking in deeper.

"Fuck." Taylor muttered as she glanced down and watched her strap getting completely coated  in my slick. I whimpered and moaned in pleasure, I didn't want it to stop. I only grew even more wet and aroused with each deep stroke. Taylor closed her eyes relishing in my sounds of pleasure. I watched her furrow her eyebrows and rock her hips faster and deeper.

"Oh..."she softly whispered. I gasped as she hit my pleasure spot, she softly whimpered as she simultaneously got stimulated with each stroke. My breathing picked up pace as I grew closer to climax. "Taylor I'm gonna..." I whimpered. "Hold on a little." She heavily breathed out and continued. I couldn't hold back anymore and moaned out as I released. Taylor slowly pulled out of me and dropped my legs down. My body felt weak. She walked over and held her tip against my lips. "Open and I'll take off the cuffs." She said.

I slowly parted my lips and took her length in my mouth. She held my hair back and slowly moved my head down against her length. "Clean it up..." she whispered and watched me. I whimpered and sucked her length clean. She slipped out of my mouth and took the cuffs off. "Good girl." She smirked and pecked my lips. "Hopefully you learned your lesson." She said as she took the strap off. "Are you going to listen now?" She asked. I looked up at her and slowly nodded. "Good. Now let's get back to bed and cuddle." She said taking me by the hand and tugging me back to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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