I can see you

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I sat in ready for our early morning meeting. Taylor wasn't here yet and I was still right on time. Everyone was chatting away, eating their bagels and sipping their coffee. "Morning." I replied and sat in my seat. "Morning." They replied in unison. I sighed and scrolled through my phone checking social media.

I was in charge of Taylor's social media and marketing team. I've bounced around getting experience with marketing and management. I started to get more into PR while working close with Tree, Taylor's publicist. She practically loved me and took me under her wing agreeing to show me the ropes and even helping her out here and there.

"Morning everyone." Taylor said as she entered the room and sat at the head of the table near me. "Morning." We all replied. Andrea sat across from me and softly smiled. Taylor's parents loved me, which was a good thing because they could be incredibly intimidating at times. Taylor was the one thing they were always protective over. But the fact that they both had business experience always helped when making conversation and taking interest in them just made them love me even more. I think out of everyone on the team they loved me most.

Taylor kept a serious face on, "So first order of business. I have a new album idea and I emailed you all the details." She said. I looked through my laptop and opened the email she sent. "So everything you need to know is on there but if there's anything else you need you know how to reach me." She nodded. "Was this all you needed to meet with us about?" One person on the team asked. Taylor nodded, "That's pretty much it for the rest of you, but Y/N I'm actually going to need to stay back so we can discuss some of the marketing plans."

I nodded. "So the rest of you are dismissed." She smiled. Everyone gathered their things and filed out of the room. "Do you need me around or are you okay?" Andrea asked. "It's fine mom, I'm just going to talk to her about a few things. I actually just wanted to do a quick briefing and maybe meet later on to discuss everything in detail." Taylor explained. "Alright well I'll be waiting in the lobby." Andrea nodded and looked over at me. "It was good seeing you hun." She smiled and left the room.

I stood up and began to gather my things. The door shut behind Andrea. I felt a pair of hands grip onto my waist and press me back against the wall. Taylor's body was pressed up against mine as her lips hungrily kissed my neck. "T-Taylor..." I whispered. "What are you doing wearing something like this around me..." She said toying with the necktie on my blouse. Her lips trailed up my neck and hungrily kissed my lips. I softly moaned against her lips and gently gripped her shoulders. Her hand gripped my thigh and held my leg up against her side as she roughly kissed me.

I managed to slightly pull away and attempt to catch my breath. "Taylor we can't do this here." I whispered. "Come over tonight." Taylor whispered. "Taylor I have work and errands to do I can't." I whispered. "You work for me. Just blow it off for tonight and come home with me." She frowned. "As much as I'd like to. I'm busy." I replied.

"Then let me take care of you here." She smirked. "Taylor we agreed. No mixing business and pleasure. Especially not here. If they caught us, they'd never let me keep my job." I whispered. "I think we've already done far more than mix business and pleasure already." She replied. I lightly blushed and gently pushed her away. "I need this job. Everything is going well and I don't want to ruin it." I said as I continued to pack my things up.

"Fine. Can you at least come by after you're done with everything?" Taylor asked. "I can't." I replied. I felt her arms wrap around me from behind. "I already told you that you're more than welcome to keep some of your things at my place and stay...or maybe move in." She smirked. I grew tense at her touch, "Taylor we can't." I whispered. The door handle turned and we quickly separated. Tree poked her head in and saw me. "Y/N are we going to get to work?" She asked and looked over and saw Taylor, "Hey hun. What are you still doing here?" She asked.

"Just having a little conversation with y/n about new album things. I was just about to leave and meet with my mom though. Have fun." Taylor softly smiled and left the room. I took a deep breath and exhaled. "You okay?" Tree asked. I smiled and nodded.

Taylor and I had been working together for a while. We were always friendly with one another but everything changed at her Grammy's after party a few years ago.

"Just try and have fun. But if you can't, there's always alcohol so you don't have to suffer that bad." I shrugged and helped fix her dress. Taylor softly laughed, "Alcohol is always nice." She smiled. She slightly eyed me as I was knelt down and fixing her dress. "Y/N are you doing anything later tonight?" She asked. "Working...for you?" I joked. She softly laughed, "Do you want to tag along with Tree and I to the after party I'm throwing?" She asked.

"You want me to go? Isn't that when you mingle with all your friends?" I asked. "We're friends." She shrugged. "I meant your celebrity friends." I replied. "But you're also my friend." She shrugged. "I'm your employee. I don't know if I could do that." I replied. "Oh come on, please? it'll be fun." Taylor begged. "If Tree is fine with it I'll tag along but I don't want to get into trouble." I replied. "Great." She smiled.


"Just be friendly to the guests and try not to get in the way. But if Taylor needs you, go and do what you need to do." Tree instructed. I nodded and looked around the crowd of people. I saw Taylor laughing over at the bar and drinking with friends. She looked around the room and her eyes landed on me as if they had been searching for me. Maybe she was, but I just figured I was the first familiar face she saw. She smiled and waved me over. I pointed at myself confused and unsure if she was signaling to me or someone else. She nodded and waved me over.

I approached and she met me halfway. "What did you need?" I politely asked. "Come here." She laughed and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. She led me through the crowd of people and off to a bathroom. "What are we-" I was cut off as she pushed me up against the wall and locked the bathroom door. "T-Taylor?" I stuttered, nervous as her eyes slowly trailed over my body. "Do you know how bad I need you?" She said in a low voice. "W-what?" I asked. "I'm so tired of the back and forth, you and I know both know there's been something between us for a while now." She replied.

"You're my boss, w-we can't do this." I replied. "Oh shut up already." She whispered and pressed her lips onto mine. I could taste the bitter alcohol lingering on her lips. I tried to resist it as much as could. It was wrong. She was my boss. But her lips just felt so soft and her hands on my body just felt so damn good that I couldn't resist and ultimately gave in.

To be continued...

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