Let me help

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I was a dancer on Taylor's tour. I worked with Selena on some projects before and she recommended me to Taylor. Taylor took interest in me when I had auditioned and ultimately chose me to be one of the dancers apart of her tour. We had been touring for a few months now and it was genuinely fun. Everyone was fun to work with and Taylor was always the sweetest.

We had just finished wrapping up a show and I was glad to finally be out of my outfit and into something more comfortable. I stretched, attempting to alleviate the soreness and minor pain I was feeling in my back. I groaned out in slight relief but I still wasn't feeling the best.

"Everything okay?" I heard someone ask. I turned and saw Taylor standing at the door of the now empty dressing room. "Oh hey." I softly smiled. "I heard noises down the hall and just came to check in. You sounded like you were in pain." Taylor explained. "I'm a bit sore and my back is hurting a bit, but don't worry I'm not dying or anything." I reassured.

"That's still pretty bad, why didn't you tell me?" Taylor asked concerned. "I didn't want to worry you or anything. I promise I'm fine." I reassured. "Let me help." Taylor replied. "I don't know how you can." I softly laughed. "I give a pretty good massage." She smiled. "Taylor I don't know." I sighed. "Just lay down on the floor." Taylor replied.

"Taylor." I replied. "Lay...Down." She said in a stern tone. I stayed silent, slightly intimated, and did as she said. I heard the door lock and saw her approach. She knelt by my feet and thought for a moment. "Ok so, let's stretch you out." She said. I slightly blushed at her response. She lifted my legs and put them on her shoulders. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. "Trust me." She smiled, " Just keep your legs up."

I nodded in response and relaxed my body as best as I could, but it was hard. Who could stay relaxed when your legs were draped over your boss' shoulders like this. "Okay, just relax your body as best as you can." She softly spoke. She leaned her body and my legs down against me. I softly moaned out from the slight relief it gave me. She glanced at me and stared for a moment before setting my legs back down. "Sorry, that just...helped a lot." I sighed with relief.

She softly smiled and shook her head. "Don't worry, that's the point right?" I nodded and slightly stretched my body out. "Turn around and lay on your stomach." She instructed. I did as she said and rested my head on my arms. She slowly and carefully bent up my leg. Her other hand applied gentle pressure on my thigh. I moaned from the relief.

Taylor stayed silent and moved her hands up to my back. Her hands gently worked against my skin. She reached the points that felt the most sore. "Right there...don't stop." I moaned. Taylor remained silent and continued to work that same area. "Oh god, that feels amazing." I moaned. I felt her hands stop. I looked around, "What's wrong? Why'd you stop?" I asked.

"I know something else that might help relieve that pain." She replied. I propped myself up on my side, "Like what?" Her eyes slightly wandered across my body as she gently bit her lip, " It's a bit of an unorthodox method of pain relief, but it's worth a shot."

I looked at her confused. My eyes slightly widened the moment I realized what she was suggesting. "Y-you want to do that?" I nervously stuttered. "I'm just trying to do what I can to help relieve your pain." She shrugged. "I..." I couldn't find the words to respond. "Just trust me." She softly smiled and positioned me back on my back. "Taylor you d-don't have to..." I stuttered. She hooked her fingers on the waistband of my leggings and looked up at me. "I want to." She replied, keeping her eyes locked on mine as she tugged off my leggings.

I gulped as her hands slowly grazed against my inner thighs. Her hands found their way to my undergarments and hooked onto them. "We won't need these." She smirked and tugged them off. I watched as she spread my legs further apart and slipped in between them. Her fingers gently caressed my center. "Just try to relax, I promise it'll help you feel a little better." She smirked. "What w-" I let out a loud gasp and fell back against the floor the moment her tongue touched my skin.

Her tongue moved against me ever so gently. Her hands gently gripped my thighs. I heavily breathed out taking in the pleasure I was feeling. I heard her softly moan against me as her tongue moved in quicker strokes, hungrily savoring the taste. I bit my lip holding back moans as her tongue began to hit against my clit. She dug her fingers into my skin, "Don't keep it to yourself." She smirked. I whimpered out and attempted to grip at the floor as her tongue continued to stroke my center.

I softly moaned and took pleasure in the warmth of her tongue against my skin. She slipped her tongue in me without warning and I let out a loud gasp and moan. She moaned against me and gripped my thighs as she held me close against her. My breathing quickened in pace, my fingers desperately tangled in her hair, and my legs began to shake. She plunged her fingers in me, moving them at the perfect pace and keeping me on edge.

My hand gripped her wrist as she continued to hit my pleasure spot and my body was unable to contain itself. I looked up and saw a smirk on her lips and lust in her eyes, "It's okay...I just want you want you to feel good. Let it out."

I whimpered as she continued and I grew closer to climax. My breath lips were quivering from the overwhelming pleasure. I fell back against the floor and arched my back as I came, "Fuck." I heavily breathed out. Taylor slowly helped me up and handed me my clothes. "Did it help?" She asked. Surprisingly it did, but I couldn't even respond while I was still fully trying to process what had just happened.

I got dressed back into my clothes and trying to compose myself. "Next time you aren't feeling that great just come see me." Taylor smiled and leaned in near my ear, "Or stop by my hotel room." She smirked and walked away while I stood speechless.

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