Ch. 1: Two Quirks

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"Shinobu," my mom signed waving to get my attention before she continued, "Can you try deactivating your quirk again dear?" Tears filled my large, green eyes as I shook my head.

"Sorry, mommy! I'm trying really hard!" I signed, trying not to cry, considering it could activate my secondary quirk. My mom ran to me, engulfing me in a warm hug, but I could feel the tension in her shoulders. Tension caused by me, and the fact that I couldn't control my primary quirk. Why couldn't I have just been burdened with one quirk like Zashi-nii? It's not fair!

Suddenly, the feeling of a strong wind into our apartment alerted me to a now broken window as my mom slumped onto the floor beside me, unconscious, blood pooling from her ears. Panicked, my chartreuse green eyes darted to the window, which was now broken... Oh no! I must have panicked and activated my second quirk! With this panicked feeling, my eyesight went blank as well followed quickly by my sense of touch. There was nothing but darkness and emptiness until I heard someone calling my name...

"Shinobu... Shinobu!... SHINOBU!!!!"

I woke with a start to find myself not in my childhood home, but instead on a couch, face to face with a pair of hypnotic patterned green eyes that matched my own and a head of gravity defying blonde hair. Beside him was a tired, scraggly looking male with black hair, black eyes, and some unkempt facial hair. Panicking, I realized the blonde in front of me was still moving his mouth, but I couldn't hear anything.

"Zashi-nii!" I signed nervously, "Stranger danger!" That was our code phrase for whenever I got panicked about coming face to face with someone I didn't know. It also was a pretty good indication that my quirk had started to go haywire. Suddenly, Zashi-nii, or as he's known to others The Voice Hero: PresentMic or Yamada Hizashi, turned to the dark haired man and said something that I of course could not hear. The man raised an eyebrow before his eyes turned red and his hair began to defy gravity.

"... I told you she'd get nervous! We're just lucky she didn't cancel our senses too this time!" Zashi-nii was saying animatedly as he smiled at the man I'm assuming was his friend. I frowned. Sure my quirk control wasn't perfect, but I had gotten a lot better about not accidentally cancelling other peoples' senses. Now, if I panicked, it usually just caused me to cancel my own hearing.

"You know she can hear you now, right?" the black haired man pointed out as he blinked, his eyes returning to their previous black color and his hair settling back, causing Zashi-nii to look at me apologetically.

"I've been working on it, Nii-san. Now, I usually only cancel my own hearing, and even that is only when I panic," I stated quietly as I also signed what I was saying, my expression clearly sad as I looked at my feet.

It was a habit I picked up when my quirk had first manifested. I had accidentally cancelled my own hearing for over a year at age five when my quirk showed itself. Coincidentally, at that same time, my secondary quirk, voice, had also manifested when I panicked and was trying to hear myself as I attempted to explain to my parents I was so scared. Warm arms wrapped around me as Hizashi gave me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, my number one listener! I promise I meant it as a compliment! Sounds like you've gotten much better control of it since the last time I saw you! What about the other quirk??? Wanna show me what you got?!" he ranted excitedly and I quickly shook my head no at the last question.

"I don't use that quirk," I mumbled, unable to sign as my arms were currently being held at my sides by my loud blonde cousin.

"You have two quirks?" the black haired man asked, getting both mine and Hizashi's attention.

"Who are you?" I asked apprehensively, my voice barely a whisper. I didn't know this man, and I was not the type of person to just trust someone. Nii-san was one of the only people I trusted and could relax around.

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