Ch. 17: Saving Her

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Shinobu's Age: 5 years old

I watched the doctor talking to my parents. The world of silence I had lived in for the past year is a place I had grown quite comfortable, but I saw how sad it made Mommy and Daddy. We had already had to move three times because of me. For some reason, when I would get upset and cry, glass would break, Mommy would always cry, and then we would move. I don't know how it happened, but I knew it was my fault, which just made me cry more. This last time, we had to move to a house away from the city. There were no other houses near us, and I was pretty sure it was my fault.

After a couple of minutes of the doctor talking with Mommy and Daddy, Mommy turned to me with a big smile on her face, and I got excited. Mommy smiled less and less lately, especially at me. She quickly began signing to me, and I also noticed that Daddy looked quite excited too.

"Shinobu, this nice doctor here said that he can help you hear again!" Mommy signed excitedly causing my eyes to widen with hope and curiosity as I signed back.


"Yes, baby. The doctor is going to give you some medicine that will help you control your quirk better, and then you'll be able to hear again and not break anything when you talk or cry just like all the other kids in your class!" Her response made me smile. I would be able to be a normal kid again. Though I didn't think not being able to hear was the worst thing ever, I knew it was wrong to not be able to hear. Otherwise, Mommy and Daddy wouldn't be so focused on helping me hear again.

The doctor, who was kind of scary if I was being honest, handing me a medium sized clear purple pill. I really didn't want to take it, and I was really scared, but I saw how hopeful and happy Mommy and Daddy looked so I took it and immediately swallowed it as Mommy handed me a glass of water, which I drank after swallowing the pill.

The effects weren't immediate, but they might as well have been. My eyes widened when I heard a garbling of words followed by then gradually becoming more clear as my ears adjusted to all the new sounds.

"Ah... It seems to be working. How do you feel, Shinobu-chan?" the doctor's voice was kind of proud, like he already knew the results without me telling him. My head was hurting, pounding even, but I saw how happy Mommy and Daddy were. I didn't want them to worry anymore. I had caused enough trouble for them already, but my head was hurting so bad that tears filled my eyes.

"M-my head hurts," I croaked, my voice weak from disuse and cracking from the pain I was feeling from the medicine, "It hurts r-really bad..." The doctor and my parents dismissed the pain I was feeling as a side effect of suddenly being able to hear after not being able to for nearly a year.

"You'll be fine. It's a normal side effect. Your brain is just hurting because it's trying to get used to processing all this information again," the doctor stated dismissively as my dad got out his checkbook.

"See, sweetie? You just have to be strong for a little bit, and you'll be okay. You're gonna be like other kids again! We won't have to move anymore, Shinobu! Isn't that great?" Mommy encouraged with a huge hopeful smile on her face. Not wanting to disappoint her or Daddy, I decided to just nod. I would be alright if they and the doctor said so.

---Small Time Skip (One Week Later)---

I was wrong. I was not alright. Everything hurt. I no longer wanted to eat very often, and the headaches came within minutes of taking that medicine every time. I was always tired, but every time I told Mommy and Daddy that I didn't want to take the medicine, they would tell me that I just needed to endure it a little longer and that I was doing such a good job and being such a big girl. Not wanting to disappoint them, I simply smiled and agreed to keep trying.

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